100, why not?... My slow and lonely way to the finish.

DAY 14:


No maps...

Lvl 94 --> 19%
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Last edited by Actkqk on Dec 10, 2015, 11:22:05 AM
Well, I think it was already enough rest. I needed it, but rest does not help me level up XD

DAY 15:


Really? we will start again with the bad drop? Oh come on :(


Canyon, Tier 8 (I forgot to take the screenshot XD)

Map lost due to server problems... great :(

Lvl 94 --> 25%
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Last edited by Actkqk on Dec 11, 2015, 1:19:26 AM
Day 15 comments:

All good, until I decided to throw myself in one of my highest maps... I had not traveled even half of my Gorge when the sympathetic and infaltable bad luck hit my door and everything went to hell... Server problems and apparently disconnected us to a majority.

Level 94 and 25%

Good night XD

Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Last edited by Actkqk on Dec 11, 2015, 1:28:27 AM
Cheers! And good luck on your travel to 100!
Or you gonna take a break to play Talisman? :D
k3nz0ry wrote:
Cheers! And good luck on your travel to 100!
Or you gonna take a break to play Talisman? :D

Thank you, and no, I'm not interested in the new leagues :)

DAY 16:


No maps...

No maps.

Work in progress...
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
A la mierda, simplemente estoy demasiado enojado como para darme el trabajo de traducir... Despues de pasar una buena parte del dia planificando qué hacer luego del parche y de tener que cambiar de build debido al cambio que GGG hizo a SRS, he muerto en un Terrace...

Sallazzang (the Terrace Map boss) no longer performs its "machine gun ethereal knives" skill, as it was unfair to players. Sallazang instead spawns more devourers. This boss is now much easier than it was before but is still entertaining to encounter. Tier Seven maps were underplayed and this was one of the factors.

Jajaja, no me hagan reir por favor. Era uno de mis mapas y Boss favorito, ahora se suponia que era mas facil segun la declaracion de GGG, y no es así, esta bastante mas dificil... Acabo de morir de algo que quizas no sea un "one shot" pero fue tan rapido que así me pareció.
Por si fuera poco GGG a nerfeado las StrongBoxes y tal parece que la opcion "3 packs of Magic Monsters" ya no existe y eso se resume en una baja considerable en el drop de mapas para una persona que no comercia y que juega en solitario. Pero lo que me molesta mas es que los astutos de GGG no lo anunciaron, no estan jugando limpio y creen que la gente es imbecil y no se daran cuenta de los cambios que hacen a escondidas...

No se si siga jugando esta cosa.
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Last edited by Entropic_Fire on Oct 26, 2016, 5:21:02 PM
Woo, even with my horrible Spanish I understood most of that (screw using Google Translate!). Sorry sir, but I understand that you're too angry to play for a while. Yep things suck as a solo player sometimes...my guild members are all off playing other games (mostly D3)...so no more missions where we can gain lots of XP.

Well I hope you get back to playing soon. You inspired me to try for another level even after Atziri bitch-slapped my Lv 92 Scion and killed her 5 times in a row. I'm now at 49% to 93 and it's looking good...

Please don't give up! :)
Last edited by SasoriOtoko on Dec 17, 2015, 12:20:15 PM
Yeah, I really needed to read this thread. I was going for 80 on my talisman character last night and had two lag deaths in about 10 minutes. Completely lost interest in playing. Now I might go back to standard and see if I can push one of my characters a bit further in the game. Thanks for all your posts! Keep up the trek!
you got fans bro we like to read your post and see your progeession because lots of poeple in same situation

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