Legacy Items - my 3 salty cents


I don't know how or why you connect this with "the ability to adapt/think outside the box".

Whenever I use Facebreaker/Kaom's heart/whatever, I know that there is a better version of this item around, one I will not get to use. Because it doesn't exist anymore.

I don't have to "adapt my build" here, I just deal 20% less damage because my fb has 20% less damage.
I can totally deal with it, but knowing about these items' existance is not something that makes the game better for me. It annoys me. Not too much, but it's annoying. And many others, that's why threads like this one keep popping up.

How can you not possibly use a legacy version of facebreakers or kaoms heart? For example a legacy 995 facebreaker is 15 exalts, really cheap when you think about it. Kaoms heart is probably the most expensive legacy chest at this point, maybe people still value shavs higher, I doubt it though.

Threads like this keep popping up because people are simply unwilling to put forth the effort to gain these items that can still be obtained.

Games get balanced all day, and usually balance changes apply to everyone and everything.
I haven't seen "legacy" in any other game before.

Even D3 has legacy items now, its actually quite common for any game that has "items" that your character wears and you can find. Games like Dota 2 or alike are balanced completely differently then one like PoE you can't compare the two. Find an ARPG that retroactively changes peoples current values on items in order to achieve balance and report back to me.

Btw, as already mentioned. I'm not really complaining, I also have some legacy items, I don't care about standard league. I just understand why people don't like the whole "legacy" thing. You seem to fail to comprehend it.

I probably have a lot more legacy items then you, I don't fail to understand why people hate the idea of it, but it isn't going to change, this topic spins around as much as the XP loss one does, GGG isn't going to do anything differently regarding either one, yet people still constantly voice their complains about it, which is fine if people bring up something new, but it isn't anything new, it never is.



Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
goetzjam wrote:
Even D3 has legacy items now, its actually quite common for any game that has "items" that your character wears and you can find.

True, and even Diablo2 before that.

D2 veterans will probably remember when Set items were boosted. During a time, it was risky to trade for example IK armour, because if it was the legacy version, it wouldn't get the set bonuses of the new version ;) ;) And there was no way to know it before equipping a second item of the IK set...

I'm talking about something like 10 years ago. Nothing new under the sun.....
Peterlerock wrote:
Cyzax wrote:
panmisiek123 wrote:
<envy post>

Why does it bother you so much what other people do? It doesn't affect you in any way!

Open a "guide".
Stats look good. Want to try this build.
Oh wait. Legacy items all over the place.
Stop opening guides that have the words "OP", "Expensive", "100 (or more) Exalt", or "Legacy" in the title.

I've read many guides that don't require legacy gear. The writers say things like "BiS chest for this build would be legacy Lightning Coil". But they don't have them.

Many guides also show 6L gear. How often do you have those? Sure, all it takes is currency to get. Just like legacy items.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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mark1030 wrote:
Stop opening guides that have the words "OP", "Expensive", "100 (or more) Exalt", or "Legacy" in the title.

I've read many guides that don't require legacy gear. The writers say things like "BiS chest for this build would be legacy Lightning Coil". But they don't have them.

Many guides also show 6L gear. How often do you have those? Sure, all it takes is currency to get. Just like legacy items.

Thats a good point, 6 links cost pretty much the same as most of the legacy items, with few exceptions (windripper, shavs, kaoms heart and mjolner)


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
panmisiek123 wrote:
And the REASON is very simple. Just because those people been first to play PoE does it mean they should have now advantage over new players?

Of course.
The darkness looms forebodingly...
goetzjam wrote:

Even D3 has legacy items now, its actually quite common for any game that has "items" that your character wears and you can find. Games like Dota 2 or alike are balanced completely differently then one like PoE you can't compare the two. Find an ARPG that retroactively changes peoples current values on items in order to achieve balance and report back to me.

Bad example because Blizz did everything to nerf legacy. They realized this provided unfair advantages for the leadboard competition. Right now, legacies are useless in D3.
Whenever they change an item, they upgrade it, so legacy version is pure crap. For the set, they simply change the old version.

Legacy is just plain bad, this is unfair and should never exist. Even though it's still obtainable as some said, this requires more effort to farm the currency in a game which is already very painful for grinding.
For self found character as well, you can't them, this removes excitement.

And for people saying this doesn't provide advantages, well yes it does if you wanna reach lvl100 or do some PVP.
panmisiek123 wrote:
Well well well.

I think Legacy items should be either deleted or transformed into most recent versions OR at least put some sort weapon experience for example 100 billion exp that will turn the weapon to legacy version.

And the REASON is very simple. Just because those people been first to play PoE does it mean they should have now advantage over new players?

I think that is putting people to stop playing this game at all knowing that they never going to be as powerful as they most "advanced" colleagues.

Perhaps I am wrong with my statement, but if I am, can someone be so kind and explain to me why it is good the way it is now.

Standard is not balanced deal with it.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

Standard is not balanced deal with it.
So why have watered-down "balanced" versions drop in Standard at all?

Balance vs original is irrelevant to the conversation, you can embrace either without the bullshit double-standard we have now. The real question is why treat new and old players differently?
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:

Standard is not balanced deal with it.
So why have watered-down "balanced" versions drop in Standard at all?

Balance vs original is irrelevant to the conversation, you can embrace either without the bullshit double-standard we have now. The real question is why treat new and old players differently?

Because players would leave out of principle.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

Standard is not balanced deal with it.

ya exactly.

All this talk, this same thread that keeps coming back and back, its meaningless.

Legacy items are not that powerful, they dont really make a huge difference. What this is about is players who feel emotionally beaten down, they feel like other people have better gear, they cant get access to better gear, they dont know how to work the game and understand the markets enough to become really active in the economy etc and they feel a general sadness about these things. Then they go looking for something to justify this emotional feeling and latch on to legacy items, THIS is why I feel this way, THIS is why I cant get ahead, cant even get on par, its not MY fault its legacy uniques that I cant do anything about. Its always someone elses fault, something elses fault, push responsibility off my own shoulders look for something real thats not in my control to change and justifies how I emotionally feel right now.

but its all just hot air, they dont matter. Someone mentioned legacy facebreakers earlier that are 20% more damage. Ok, so thats somewhat significant, and whats your best dagger? 250 pdps? 275 pdps? So how do you feel about 550 pdps daggers existing? You can buy sick elgacy facebreakers for 10-15 exalts, you can buy a legacy mjolner for 60 exalts, you can buy a mirrored copy of a 550 pdps dagger for 300 exalts or you can buy an original 550pdps rare dagger for 3000 exalts. How much difference does a legacy mjolner/breakers make compared to the 100% damage increase (more even because of t1 multi and crit chance) from a mirror level dagger? you can never find a mirror level dagger, its never happened, its never even come remotely close to happening ever, will never happen. In order to craft one, even when eternals existed would have cost you probably over 2000 exalts, at the point you have 2000 exalts you can buy every single significant legacy unique item in the game but none of them will make the same difference to your character as spending those ex on a mirror level dagger over the best rare/unique dagger uve self found.

Its completely meaningless, just people who want to feel hard done by finding something to feel hard done by about. My legacy shavs has 100 less es... right so to go from the 350 es shield ur using to a 450 es shield costs what? an extra 15 chaos? Do you need the legacy shavs? No, you clearly dont because if you had es gear good enough that you couldnt find a way to add another 100 es you could already afford a legacy shavs. Spending 1 exalt putting the 20% es craft on a ring would net you more es, using a few divine orbs to take ur 14% roll to 19% would give you more es so when people are crying about having a shavs with 100 less es because they dont have 100 exalts to buy a legacy version I just dont have any sympathy, crying over nothing.

I was playing when legacy shavs could drop, I dont have a legacy shavs, Im in exactly the same boat as a new player if I want to own one. Well, not quite because i can afford one which the new player cant, because Ive played the game for over 2 years, which is really where its at when you want to talk about older players having an advantage. I have over 1000 exalts worth of gear easily, what makes me more powerful than a new guy is not the fact I was playing when legacy mjolners drop, its the fact Ive sold enough rare items in the last 2 years that I can buy a legacy mjolner right now if I want to. Thats the reality, but that doesnt make for a good sob story so no one wants to talk about the reality they just want to ramble on about legacy uniques year after year, just looking to make a big problem out of something trivial for the sake of it.

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