Joined in 2012, too dank for forum titles

All that and a bag of chips. Holy shit. That was always a good one.

Okay, so I don't use drugs (that don't come from a prescription, anyway) so this is just what I've learned. 'Dank' was or is an adjective some stoners use to describe their weed in a very positive way. For some reason, wet, vaguely stinky weed is desirable. Because weed is COOL and being a stoner is COOL, the term 'dank' then transferred to anything that's 'good' or 'positive'.

Thus 'dank memes' and 'dank gear' and all that shit.

...You either think this is ridiculously stupid, or need to think about it a bit more.

Actually just for the record... While you are correct in the the word "Dank" Being a slang term for High Grade Marijuana (Your Description is things one would look for to indicate its High Grade or High Quality) "Dank" is actually a slang term that is more common to the West Coast of the US.
On the East Coast its more commonly called "Loud" or Kind Bud"! Although Most people who are into that culture will know what you are talking about no matter where you are these terms tend to differ or be more or less commonly used depending on where you are in the US.

In fact theres ALOT of terms and lingo (if you will) that will deffer quite a bit depending on which side of the US you are on. As well as accent. Although Accent's tend to differ much more depending on North and South as appose to East and West for some reason.
East and West the differences is more based on Lingo or wording than Accent's.
Also keep in mind that Lingo such as this will carry over from coast to coast as well so there will be people from the east coast use these terms like "Dank" as well im just more so talking about the words original origin.

So yeah The reasoning i would assume people would use terms like "Dank Memes" and "Dank Gear" is because the word Dank is specific to Weed that is Exceptionally Good! Best of the Best! Top Shelf! Ect! So that would be the reason someone would use those terms meaning they have Exceptional Gear Or The Best Gear and such. Im not trying to say they are correct nor you are wrong im just stating the reasoning i would assume people would use such terms.

And there's also a VERY good chance someone who uses such terms to describe such things would be a (As you put it) "Stoner" themselves. There's also a good chance they also live in California or have lived at some point in their life for an extended amount of time on the West Coast.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Sep 5, 2015, 2:48:54 PM
I feel ya bro.

Stay Dank bro.
Okay. Lol.

You really think in this internet age that slang is that geographically bound?


I used to hear "dank" used as a general adjective in my high school pot smoking days about eight years ago, and it's just now managing to make its way to the internet (I guess). So I'd say in a lot of cases, yeah.

e: Amazingly, not every illegal substance solicitor goes straight for facebook to... solicit.

e2: Amazingly, there is stuff going on outside the internet.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
Last edited by JahIthBer89 on Sep 6, 2015, 1:27:14 AM
Okay. Lol.

You really think in this internet age that slang is that geographically bound?


I think you totally missed what i was even saying but thats ok. What i was saying has nothing what so ever to do with the internet. And slang and terms used by people is absolutely geographically bound.
Im quite sure things you say and the way you say them and your accent and lingo is going to differ quite a bit from me just because of our geographic locations. The internet hasn't magically changed that. Not quite sure whats so Cute about that.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Sep 6, 2015, 12:52:22 AM

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