0.10.1 Patch Notes

Meh, still no CI or ES fix?
give some love to pvp :<

It may be free right now , but it's always good to have more money for anything that is needed .
Monthly Subscription with small changes to account would be great
and it would help with the server .

I don't know and i do not plan to peek where or how they get the money or who is the sponsor .

I was just simply asking.

R.I.P - LagMasta 25 LvL [1st HC Exile]
nforcee wrote:
give some love to pvp :<

Agree.Something like Rewards maybe? Orbs?
what about the fix to unrighterous fire which mark_ggg said is in the next patch?
I get the following error message when I try to patch:

The pack file has corruption that can be fixed by running reclamation

Does anybody know what I should do to fix this?
Thanks GGG :)
IGN: ExileDave
Renamed "Angel Kite Shield" to "Angelic Kite Shield".

That got missed in earlier Patch notes but it already changed before the patch.

Some existing maps have had their bosses changed or reworked.

Vaal Pyramid got Vaal now ?;D

Fixed a bug where monsters affected by the Energy Shield aura would get too much Energy Shield in multiplayer games.

It was a "bug" I thought it was a future no more 50K ES screens on dominated ES mobs :(

Fixed a server crash that would occur involving Bear Traps.

Why not name it?-> Shield Charge

End-game Map Changes:

Where are the increased drop rates? On closed beta I would have found like 30 maps when I find only one in Open Beta on merciless?

Arsenal, Arcade, Ghetto, Promenade, Temple, Colonnade, Bazaar, Crematorium, Precinct, Shipyard and Shrine.

My guesses:
Arsenal: Gravicius
Ghetto: The EK/Beartrapper
Arcade/Precinct/Collonade: Spearstatue
Crematorium: Desynchfirestorm Rock
Temple: Piety/One of the flying flags
Bazaar: Some Discharger with Pirate Lord mods
Shipyard: Pirate Lord and Sewers got new boss?
Shrine: Real Act 3 boss? XD.

Really? As if melee was not already down nerfed down the drain, you nerf the one thing that was still in its favor.

While I agree that a change was needed in order to not permanently lock down the hardest of bosses, adding diminishing returns after 75% was really not warranted.

When is melee getting some love?
- Survivability is questionable.
- Melee skills are boring, barely 3 viable AoE gems
- Melee damage is far less than it should be given the risk melee takes in being close to the mobs.

That needed to be fixed. But now they can actually increase the Ground Slam damage again.
If you played closed beta you would have seen that stunner Ground Slammers were the cookiecutter build.
The first weak nerf was decreasing the damage.
The second effective nerf was to use the attackspeed of the weapon.

I love how Duelists look now. And you also fixed the radiant effect bug while dual wielding.

Freaking love you guys :D
What about the people who built entirely around stunning and not much else, I thought you guys would compensate us some how when a major change like this happens.. I don't think it's fair to have to spend 30+ regrets because of a bug fix

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