Cold Snap

Quick question: If I have 2 Cold Snaps, one supported by normal support gems (IAE/ICS/PCoC) and one supported by the trap/mine support, do they share the same cooldown? I assume they don't since traps/mines are activated via enemy contact/detonation.

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Islidox wrote:
Quick question: If I have 2 Cold Snaps, one supported by normal support gems (IAE/ICS/PCoC) and one supported by the trap/mine support, do they share the same cooldown? I assume they don't since traps/mines are activated via enemy contact/detonation.

yes, mine/trap have thier own cooldowns separate from the skills they support. can have a max of 3 different gem cooldowns this way. however ice nova is a better trap support for this situation (AoE size and general use). while cold snap is better than nova for mines (damage).
That's some food for thought.

Currently on a Templar that's basically my testing character for weird builds. Started going Discharge, didn't like all the micromanaging, then went fireball (but needs a 6L to be really effective), then going for a ColdSnap nuker. Hopefully something will come out of that.
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M59Gar wrote:
Just FYI, Cold Snap is a utility spell, not a DPS spell, and it is amazing. Increased Area of Effect, Cold Piercing, Elemental Proliferation = huge groups of mobs frozen. I use it with Ice Spear + Power Charge on Critical to keep 7 power charges up all the time; basically I can't die, because mobs don't fight back -

At all.

I agree with this mode of thinking. Never did I consider to use cold snap as a DPS gem, and on the POE Wiki site its suggested use is for mob control. But I love it so far.
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unicron wrote:
I feel it is a bit too weak damage wise.

I could live with it if they'd up the mana-cost and raised the damage.

Still, the main use of this on a frost-witch is holding off clumps of melee units and freezing archers that you couldn't reach otherwise.

Problem with mouse-over skills is still the games camera perspective. You have a longer range towards the distance, top-right of the screen, while in the left-bottom of the screen, you simply have less range and on top of that you are likely to click the chat rather than the enemy below.

On the contrary, it is the hardest hitting frost spell easily outdamaging all other frost spells per cast.
This spell would be insane if you could spam it easily.
I wish there was a way to have cold snap freeze enemies 100% of the time. That would be awesome.
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I wish there was a way to have cold snap freeze enemies 100% of the time. That would be awesome.

You can actually get it pretty high.

+14% from Frostbite at level 20
+5% from the passive in the shadow tree
+49% on max level cold snap

That's 58%. I guess not close to 100%, but still very high.

With elemental proliferation, though, you can get insane freeze ability, because as long as one enemy gets frozen, they all will.

Increased AOE, Cold Penetration, and Ele Proliferation would work extremely well. If there were more than 3 enemies you would almost be certain to freeze them all.
Last edited by FamousTrip on Nov 7, 2013, 5:21:10 PM
The skill is good but I have a question.

Is there a reason this skill has an abnormally low base crit chance? Frost spells usually have the highest base crit, fire somewhere in the middle, and shock spells low. This spell seems out of sync with everything else.
Gravethought wrote:
Is there a reason this skill has an abnormally low base crit chance? Frost spells usually have the highest base crit, fire somewhere in the middle, and shock spells low. This spell seems out of sync with everything else.

4% - Cold Snap
5% - Ice Nova, Arctic Breath, (Frost Wall)
6% - Freezing Pulse
7% - Ice Spear

Avg: 5.4% (5.33%)

0% - Incinerate
4% - Flame Totem
4.5% - Detonate Dead
5% - Firestorm, Fire Trap, (Molten Shell)
6% - Fireball

Avg: 4% (4.2%)
Sans Incin: 4.9%

4% - Arc, Lightning Trap, Shock Nova, Spark
5% - Lightning Warp,
6% - (Tempest Shield)

Avg: 4.2% (4.5%)

It's the lowest, but there's only two Ice spells with above base (5%) Crit chance; three (four) Ice spells at or below base. Cold Snap also sports innate Freeze so w/e. I reckon that's the reason.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Nov 10, 2013, 12:05:04 PM
Not sure if it's been asked here before but ... does this spell bypass it's cooldown when linked to a cast on critical strike gem ?

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