I trust GGG

stury wrote:
My CI incinerate regen tank got 1 shooted from boss in map 81 with 12k ES and 45% dmg reduction from armor constantly. I cant even think how low range spellcasters or meles with that lol leach can kill that crap , its just not possible. Ppl from my guild with CoC dischargers with mirrored items dont even try it. Atm this is just non sense , they riped all defensive mechanics.
johnKeys wrote:
I trust them, because they put a hell of a lot effort into this. because they have the right idea even if it can - quite frankly - be implemented in an utterly abysmal way, at times.

Hang in there John, we're counting on you to hold them accountable.

Just don't buy any mystery boxes this weekend, wouldn't want to see you lose that warm fuzzy glow.
new monster types damage is really overbuffed, if i end up with map that has fury dogs, worms from a4 or any monsters out of belly of the beast area i just leave the map because i know that i cant survive them, 68 lvl map with a4 monsters is harder than 72 map with old mobs
It has gotten pretty stupid really. 25% increase in monster damage, but ZERO improvements in hp, armor, evasion, or ES. And ZERO changes in any uniques to fix/compensate from the 25% increase of monster damage. Now ppl with evasion can easily be one-shotted. ES is about as bad. Even armor with certain builds can be a insta-death. Zombies been nerfed too much, summoner = insta-a lot of deaths. We are back to the Path of life nodes. Most builds worthless now. Many of the post here prove it.

Evasion and ES needs to change to REDUCE damage, so they are not one-shotted anymore. The exploding monsters are more like ggg saying fuck you, and killing off your character in one shot. A lot of people will quit from the extreme amount of times they will die. It's not a challenge, it's a insult.

I think the ppl that are great with theory crafting and play the secondary game, the trading game, and love melee (fortify is required of course) will do great. The others, If you are good at hand-eye coordination (young) you could manage through. The rest of us...not so much.
morbo wrote:
Perq wrote:
Oh yes... my block 4,3k hp Scion feels the damage ramps up all the way. From retarded-hard hitting Pit map boss (MAP LEVEL 68) to overall damage that monster bring. The big skeletons can hit up to 3k, and that is not even maps. AI is still dumb as it was, but now you can't stand in melee range EVEN MORE. Fortify only forces you to use it, while ranged characters doesn't care about melee attackers anyways. It is saddening, but Fortify and all that doesn't seem to be working for me. :/

My 2H Cycloner in Warbands has 4.2k life & 7.5k armor (yea I know it's not that great - SF gear). In the only 75 map I did so far, a rare Vaal fallen would hit me for around 3k life through fortify & 7 endu charges up. The map had no damage mods (at least not for that particular monster) :)

Shit is real. Packs ob Otherwordly mobs can instagib you (esp. the ones from Act4) in 72 tier maps already, if you have very low chaos res. 2H melee is prob. the worst thing a player can pick right now, fortify or not... Haven't tried my facebreaker, high block Mara in Std yet. Huge nerf to leech doesn't help either...

You realize you both couldn't be more wrong right? Like, 8 of the top 10 alive people on Torment right now are ALL playing Melee.

Etup at #1 is playing 2h cyclone build. If you aren't aware, Etup will only play the most boring safest build he can possibly come up with. The fact he's playing 2h Cyclone should tell you something.

It's casters that are in the crapper right now defensively.
Honestly with the difficulty, from what I can see so far people just need to step up their character building. Some things are meant to 1 shot you, theres malachai moves that will kill you with 1 hit, thats the design, if you are dying to them in maps its because you are playing badly.

Ive not played malachai in a map yet. I have been mapping though in warbands and in standard on my old characters. With my standard characters I cant notice any difference from before the expansion, everything is still very easy faceroll, im not getting 1 shot, at least so far nothing has come even remotely close. I went and tested out A4 merciless, fights like Kaom a lot of my melees can just afk him, I just stand there and he cant really hurt me and thats without fortify up, I regen more life than he does damage to me per second. I really cant notice any increase in damage doing maps with those characters.

I can in warbands where I have less life, less armour, less endurance charges, no evasion etc. I feel like the baseline amount of defense you need to feel comfortable went up but really if you are making serious endgame characters with serious endgame defenses youre still fine, it feels like nothing changed at all.
now you're just bragging, Snorkle.

of course you won't feel a thing with a level 90+, Mirror-geared character built for utmost Hardcore-viability on the tree and insane DPS using a weapon 99.99% of the players can only dream of.

but a mere mortal like myself, can tell you Merciless Kaom hits like a ton of bricks, and Merciless Daresso is manual-dodge-or-die (which btw makes him a really fun fight in my opinion), and Piety will hug a wall then 1-shot the shit out of you with that death ray of hers.
Malachai? we all know how he looks like even on Normal. now multiply that tenfold, because I can honestly say I had an easier time fighting Palace Dominus and even Atziri.
those are end-game bosses my friend. Malachai is a content boss...

that's experience gained with a bunch of characters in their level 80s and late 70s. meaning mid maps at least, before The Awakening came out.
therefore the content IS harder.
my complaint is, most of it is hard for all the wrong reasons: maxing out damage on a basic attack, rather than creating better AI and better attacks, making stuff "cheat" with skills that really don't work like that (see Desert Map Boss + Mirror/Blink Arrow), overwhelming with crap instead of making packs that synergize, and so on.

I heard Warbands do just that: synergy. threat of enemies working against you as a team. fkn awesome.
but if their spawn rate in Normal and Cruel is as low as I think it is, I really don't see a point in taking a char to Merciless in a league almost identical to Standard 2/3 of the time, when I already did. in Standard.
where is the added value?
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
Last edited by johnKeys on Jul 21, 2015, 3:03:52 PM
johnKeys wrote:
...where is the added value?

Gotcher added value right here John, just farm a shitload of Divy Shards and you'll be flush in no time flat!

the question was, what is the added value of Warbands vs. Standard, when the rarity of encountering the awesome, great-AI, team-working flagship Warband enemies, can make Warbands League feel just like Standard, roughly 2/3 of the time?

that's a disappointment I didn't express in OP, because when I made the thread, I was hoping the fact I encountered less than a handful of Warbands in 2 whole acts, was simply bad luck.

sure, I got my butt kicked in pre-nerf Invasion, and Beyond, and Exiles Everywhere, and Onslaught, and early Anarchy... but those Leagues did what is written in their "contract".
Warbands doesn't.
the enemies who define the very existence of the league, so rarely show up it's frustrating really.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
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