State of the Beta

To bad it's gona take atleast couple more weeks for the release but i'm sure we can understand the amount of energy and work you guys put in on the beta+act4 release is going to pay all the waiting time really good, i can feel it!

Thanks for the news GGG
what up cuzz
I have no issue with it being delayed. Also, this is why you don't do a promotion week without knowing 100% when something is going to be released.
I like how the first post is about some obscure bug involving perandu's shitty signet of all things. Other then that...

The beta is awesome, looking foward to the changes!
t_t wrote:
I like how the first post is about some obscure bug involving perandu's shitty signet of all things. Other then that...

The beta is awesome, looking foward to the changes!

Well its been over a year. :o
Permanent Hardcore only.
I will be providing a weekly State of the Beta news post.

In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Whoever feels this is wrong or boring: GGG gives another prime example how agile software development is done:

You deliver an increment, gather data and user feedback, then you re-iterate and repeat. Of course timings change and it's good that they let us know. I'd rather have a stellar, community driven product development than a buggy release that only made it to the live realm because of some arbitrary release date.

Keep up the good work, GGG!
### r4wb1rd ###
Babel PoE:
Good work! I'm waiting to play the release soon, :)
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
Enjoying the beta, keep up the good work and do it right! :)
Finest Hardcore Gaming Guild ~Soldiers of the Wasteland~
Last edited by AgentSmith5150 on May 4, 2015, 12:49:17 AM
Felix35071 wrote:
Qarl, the problem with Jewel mods rolling two different weapon types only applies to weapons you can't dual wield. Please be sure to allow the Dagger+Sword mods on the same Jewel that you gave as an example. It's only broken when you roll Staff+1Handed, or Wand+Dagger. Only the combinations you literally can't use are a problem. Basically, a Jewel shouldn't be able to roll another weapon mod if it already has a 2 Handed or Ranged mod.
I'll be sad if I can't get that perfect Claw+Dagger Jewel with dual wield block and attack speed...

We have definitely had complaints about mixed weapon jewels even where they could be duel wielded.

Act 4 is amazing, thanks for your hard work.
We fight to delay the end because it's the means that matter.

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