Synergy Guild - Original Thread

Invites sent. Welcome :)
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Hello! I would like to join your guild. I currently play standard and am actively getting back into this game at the moment. My old guild is extremely dead so I am currently looking for a new one.

IGN: SpecThrowIsDedKappa
SpecThrowIsDedKappa - Character does not exist.

The account: "RearmostTech" does not have any characters associated with it to invite.

Create a character and contact one of the officers listed in the first post of this thread, either in-game or by a PM, for an invite.
Hey there!

Been playing bits and pieces of PoE for a year, but it's not until recently that I've gotten REALLY into ARPG's. After growing tired of critting for billions in Diablo III, I decided to give PoE another shot, and it's absolutely amazing. I'm still fairly new to it, and having a guild to help me with questions in game would be great. Hope you'll find it in your in-game hearts to invite me :)

(Currently leveling my first serious SC char, tubaluba)

I played PoE a few years ago but never got really far (lvl30). I'm now playing daily on my new Marauder and I'm looking for a guild.

IGN: Worldinc
Invites sent to: tubaluba & Worldinc

Great to have you on board!
I'd like to join, currently playing on an EE firetrapper IGN: Ihaspotato
Invite sent to: Ihaspotato

Great to see you in-game this morning - welcome aboard!
Hello Mr/Miss Sliponshoe, I was curious about joining. Although I think you're full so i'll attempt to write this down anyway just in case. :3

I've not been a level 80+ yet, so I can't really say i've experienced that but i'm getting there slowly but surely, would help if I stopped dying.

I'm trying to get more into Hardcore mode, but it's a bit harder for me since I like to take things slow and i'm not sure which builds actually work.

I wanted to find a home for myself to stave off being lonely all the time in the game, even soloing's feeling the same.

I have plenty of RPG/ARPG experience, going all the way back to Ultima Online and Wizardry *Even tried that horrid Wizardry Online thing, it was a mess. Company didn't care for it at all.

Aside from POE i've played things like Titan's quest, Warframe, Torchlight, Lineage I/II, EQ among many many others. Way too many to list without becoming spammy.

I do hope i'm accepted but if not that's fine.

My IGNs/Levels are 77- Wabbitsauce/WabbitPewPew/22. Dr Sparkle-38. And WoofingtonRex 58.

Invite sent. Welcome!

Not quite full but getting there :)
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.

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