Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Following the suggestions by Sorenalike and others, I'm considering replacing my current Large Cluster Jewel with one having Corrosive Elements. In such case, which is the best replacement for the Wave of Conviction gem that I currently have in my wand with automatic trigger?
Hi, When I try import this build I get error as on image
Can anyone help
NVM found the issue.
Last edited by traxcom on Jun 27, 2021, 4:39:23 AM
seisendrek wrote:
Mana is the main source for your damage and how you deal with taken damage.

The only mana i've seen on your gear is on the wand (with pretty good 154 mana, but then again it lacks of spell damage and casting speed), Ungil's Harmony unique Amulet and the Amethyst ring.

With your mana multiplier being that high you could easily surpass 7k mana if you add mana to your items resulting in at least +50% damage. Also, your support gems for Arc are still between lvl 12 and 14. You will have to grind more.

thank you fort the help, from the currency what i has, bought some upgrade , and make mana craft on items, but i changed to 5 link armor from 6 ( Cloak of defiance )

this is me now : https://pastebin.com/aJ878dzC
Last edited by daredar562 on Jun 27, 2021, 9:04:51 AM
palajack wrote:
Following the suggestions by Sorenalike and others, I'm considering replacing my current Large Cluster Jewel with one having Corrosive Elements. In such case, which is the best replacement for the Wave of Conviction gem that I currently have in my wand with automatic trigger?

you can use anomalous golems and support it up with enhance gem you can use bloodrage gem for +1mil extra dps with frenzy charges and more
Last edited by Sorenalike on Jun 28, 2021, 11:33:38 PM
Hiii !
Long time no see. I was doing my stuff, progressions and so on. But it seems I reached a wall where any upgrade(s) is 5~XX Ex worth and I feel a little bit lost when it comes upgrades now.

I never corrupted a gem to 21/20, within all the leagues i played so far. I bought few Divergent Arc, leveled them to 20/20 and tried my luck (again) and failed (I think it's my last attempt doing this. I'd rather farm the currencies and bought the gem directly as usual)

Right now i have around 3 Ex worth of currencies. Here is my Pastbin (hope i did it correctly, it's a long time since i didn't)
: https://pastebin.com/GmiYH4kv

My highest level reaches was 96 so far and i kinda want to beat that, and why not reach 100. It's the first time i feel i can do it with a build. (If only I didn't had so many lagg spike in this game. After all the years, i still have this problem (despite i moved IRL, change computer over the years and so on...)

Edit : Finally got a decent enchant in UberLab (it's not in the PoB)
It's now Increase flame golem's buff.
Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3
Last edited by KouboMog on Jun 30, 2021, 12:06:12 PM
Can someone tell me why he is going for witch instead of scion / shadow or templar ?
Hello! I must have missed something. Maybe my brain just can't think while also working. What do we do about ele reflect maps?
Morve80 wrote:
Hello! I must have missed something. Maybe my brain just can't think while also working. What do we do about ele reflect maps?

Our Bastion of Elements take care of it (that's one of our ascendancy)
Sorry for my quite bad english. Try to do my best <3
Ahhh. I see that now. Just haven't gotten far enough along then. Thanks.
Dalx wrote:
Can someone tell me why he is going for witch instead of scion / shadow or templar ?

Hey there are multiple reasons i believe but utility, regen, damage, extra golems even where elementalist talent tree starts from is pretty nice i believe ... you dont really need frenzy, power or other charges to make it even more confusing for a starter friendly build, and most of the unique buffs like transfiguration of mind provided by other classes can be easily be crafted or bought with pretty cheap price or you dont really need them you can argue that we are wrong yes but guess we are just witch lovers you can choose something else if you like and try it out :D
Last edited by Sorenalike on Jun 30, 2021, 3:57:52 PM

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