[2.0] SuperNova - whole screen 137K DPS Ice Nova | Atziri ez GGG featured

What gem setup would you suggest using if you don't have a pledge?
Do you think 10 ex is enough to start this build?

5L Pledge + 5L carcass is 10 ex on torment
I can't see any other expensive items that would be hard to live without.
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Catharsis wrote:
Do you think 10 ex is enough to start this build?

5L Pledge + 5L carcass is 10 ex on torment
I can't see any other expensive items that would be hard to live without.

10 ex is more than enough to start this build. I've been playing a similar setup on a budget, mostly self found and bought for 1-2c, my whole gear combined probably amounts to 1ex tops.


          Passive Tree @ Level 85          

I'm pulling 14k dps solo mapping with charges with a lvl 18 ice nova, no haste aura or flask shenanigans. I rarely die, if ever, but the lack of life leech (cough cough only 3 link main attack) is pretty obvious on 75+ rare maps with hard mods. I run assassins mark on curse on hit HoT setup, getting a windscream or investing 4 passive points would net me a CWDT warlords mark also, but currently I'm selfcasting it at bosses. A 5socket 4linked chest would net me a 4L arctic breath, seperating the arctic armour, but I haven't really bothered.

So back to your question, yes 10ex for 5L pledge + 5L carcass would give you the complete build, minus the faster casting on ice nova links, which isn't that big of a deal.
Catharsis wrote:
Do you think 10 ex is enough to start this build?

5L Pledge + 5L carcass is 10 ex on torment
I can't see any other expensive items that would be hard to live without.

yeah about 10 ex is right. Only thing 6L PoH does for you is open more map opportunities/survival due to having huge LL.

When I started this build I started with a 5L PoH. But been edited out since.
Git R Dun!

What gem Setup would u suggest when playing with a 5 l Pledge?
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1955346 // IceShot Raider
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1755526 // OccCIReave
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1164453 // MF_Party_Culler
Just drop LL you have warlords in 5L chest...

reflect pack may cause issue though. best is LL and warlords.

you do same DPS as my vids just not have survival on really troublesome maps.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Dec 31, 2014, 7:13:04 PM
Question, why do you use reduced duration in the LW setup instead of faster casting? as it reduces the duration of the curses as well.
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Even with red duration its 6 seconds curse. They die way before curse wear off.. see in videos.... I mean I'm one to three shotting magics and rares in APEX

Fast cast doesnt add much to 20/20 lightning warp OTOH red duration is big difference.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jan 2, 2015, 8:38:31 AM
Omg this build looks amazing. I never see befoe ice Nova build. I have only one question, do you think this build can handle uber atziri?

Damn, just read that you tried and failed :(
Last edited by Asag on Jan 2, 2015, 2:43:42 PM
79 with this build atm. DPS is only 15k with all power charges up, but I still clear 76 maps super fast. The clear speed is really unreal. LW into a pack, spam ice nova, warp to the next room, spam ice nova, repeat.

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