2.0 Universal Shadow crit CI flicker strike build - Flicker is not dead!!!

Last edited by BOOMbastik_RUS on Jun 17, 2015, 2:33:07 PM
How viable is it to use Daresso or Carcass for this build? Has anyone tried it?
Windrah wrote:
Does this tree is effectiv? damage wise and more ES i think even tho without the block nodes?

does block nodes/blocking really essential to this build? coz with that tree I think the damage will become higher and the crit chance will rise.

tnx =)

I have respect my tree to look like this one. Dps and es are higher. Seems just as stable without the block.

Never mind it is not as stable I die a lot easier with this tree.

- considering Vaal Pact is way closer in 2.0;
- leech could be gained from jewelry (a bit expensive but doable)

Is Ice Bite the new Blood Rage for CI (albeit severely gimped)?

Edit: grammar.

Edit 2: Or will it be possible to sustain Blood Rage through life leech (Vaal Pact)?
Last edited by ata on Jun 26, 2015, 6:37:03 AM
Love the build, been messing around in Standard while I wait for Awakening to start and had never done a flicker strike or CI build before. Probably my second favorite build to play and can't wait to try flicker once The Awakening changes go through. The helm, shield, and boots were bought, the ammy was from a guildmate who doesn't play much anymore and everything else was self found. I have enough crit chance that the %es was better than master crafting crit since I'm already at 95% crit with max charges.

Offense with 6 Frenzy and 5 Power charges


Tree @ lvl 87

I played with VP and melee splash up to about lvl 84 then remembered I had a Bino's from way back in Domination sitting in my stash. Dropped VP and picked up Zealot's Oath, replaced melee splash with melee dmg on full life and I 1 shot white and blue mobs up even in 78 maps. The Bino's healing means as long as I'm not 1 shot myself the regen I get is a huge buffer and the AoE poison helps with clearing.


Only thing left are minor gear upgrades (prefer a ev/es chest) but they really aren't necessary. DPS should go up once my melee dmg on full life and phys to lightning get 20q, really like the use of phys to lightning to deal with reflect. I've used crit dmg and it gets a bit too dodgy. Any thoughts on possibly further optimizing my tree? I was thinking of dropping the evasion wheel and using those 6 points to get more es or dmg since I don't have a ev/es chest.
Last edited by igneel77777 on Jun 30, 2015, 5:09:23 PM
igneel77777 wrote:

Only thing left are minor gear upgrades (prefer a ev/es chest) but they really aren't necessary. DPS should go up once my melee dmg on full life and phys to lightning get 20q, really like the use of phys to lightning to deal with reflect. I've used crit dmg and it gets a bit too dodgy. Any thoughts on possibly further optimizing my tree? I was thinking of dropping the evasion wheel and using those 6 points to get more es or dmg since I don't have a ev/es chest.

Thank you for your feedback, mate!

I'd better make something like this - more ES is always good!

Last edited by BOOMbastik_RUS on Jul 2, 2015, 3:24:12 PM
How do you achieve 4K+ ES with Aegis? I'm using Legacy and only got 3k even with the ES nodes. Also, my flicker strike seems pretty weak compared to others that have 16k. Mine is only at 5k and it's 20/20... and would Shadows and Dust gloves be any good with this build?

My Gear:
Last edited by BruteLegacy on Jul 2, 2015, 6:43:15 PM
No more free frenzy charges from Blood Rage on kill...

Source: http://imgur.com/t7sz2qI
what is the helmet u were wearing on the pic?
ata wrote:
No more free frenzy charges from Blood Rage on kill...

Source: http://imgur.com/t7sz2qI

this new change to blood fury makes the build no longer viable, not only can you not become immune to the damage any longer, but the frenzy charges nerf just basically makes the skill gem useless for the build. pretty sad day for me, I barely got my shadow to level 36 and was having a blast blinking everywhere killing stuff like a magician. XD ohh well, RIP flicker strike build.
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