Herald of Ice

Herald of Ice Bug Report:

Just got this gem and went to use it's power. Just looking at the gem while not being equipped, it says that it's mana reserved is 25%.

I have it going right now and in the spell bar it lists the mana reserved at 32%, and most of my mana is gone while I am running another 60% mana reserved gem.

I've done some testing with it, turned on and off auras, removed the equipment and put them back on. I don't have any points in mana reserve % reductions at this time so I can't see if the base 32% goes up or down if I put a point into one.

Just seems that the spell is a little buggered atm.

As for build. I just got this in the 3 month Rampage league on my level 30 witch for finishing the quest for finding Clarissa and Tolman. I've not synced it with any other spells or support gems.

In game bug report 3902095237.



Check your gear and links more carefully, because im using it just fine with no excess mana reservation. Your gear might be altering the gem too, uniques.
State of Beyond Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3441741

State of Blight Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3470384

State of Harbinger Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3473629
Here is a question about burning:

If a frozen target is killed (thus shattered) by a burning effect, does it trigger the explosion of herald of ice ?

edit: I ask because debuff effects tend to mess up this things.
Last edited by polimeris on Aug 23, 2014, 4:18:25 PM
Seems the explosion effect doesnt work with totems :(.

Bug or intended?
Last edited by haralla on Aug 23, 2014, 11:32:32 PM
If a frozen target is killed (thus shattered) by a burning effect, does it trigger the explosion of herald of ice ?

I believe it is only triggered by a hit you make.


Seems the explosion effect doesnt work with totems :(.

HoI is a self only buff that reserves mana but is not an aura to affect totems.
Anger/Wrath/Hatred works with totems not because they get the buff but because they use your stats. Not sure why this is different
Why doesn't the finisher work with spell totem? The way spell totem works is as IF it is casted by the player, just through the totem.
[Hardcore league]
IGN: Jeria / Metalgrid
-How does it works with spells with stages (incinerate or flameblast)?
-How does it works with added damage gems? Does it apply to the on-hit damage or only to the explosion?
-Does the supports of the skill you're using (e.g. fireball) apply to to HoI? (Elemental proliferation linked to fireball with spread the freeze/chill?)
-No crit means it never crit, or crits depending on the spell/attack it's being used?

The second I get ele prolif, culling strike or blind I will try them :3
Last edited by Visca on Aug 24, 2014, 7:29:05 AM
Visca wrote:
-How does it works with spells with stages (incinerate or flameblast)?
-How does it works with added damage gems? Does it apply to the on-hit damage or only to the explosion?
-Does the supports of the skill you're using (e.g. fireball) apply to to HoI? (Elemental proliferation linked to fireball with spread the freeze/chill?)
-No crit means it never crit, or crits depending on the spell/attack it's being used?

Probably damages on every damage instance.
The second I get ele prolif, culling strike or blind I will try them :3

Added damage gems add damage obviously, but with reduced effectiveness (herald has 30% damage effectiveness [I wonder how the quality shock chance stacks with this if you])
Only gems linked to herald itself apply to it.
IDK the last one.
IGN: Smegacore
Question: does HoI 'double dip' when it comes to totems? For example using spark totem, you turn on HoI and gain cold damage which is reflected in the tooltip dps. When you place the totem, does the totem also gain the HoI aura and thus benefits from the added cold damage twice? (which isn't reflected in the tool tip)
Last edited by hatoblue on Aug 25, 2014, 1:37:04 AM
hatoblue wrote:
Question: does HoI 'double dip' when it comes to totems? For example using spark totem, you turn on HoI and gain cold damage which is reflected in the tooltip dps. When you place the totem, does the totem also gain the HoI aura and thus benefits from the added cold damage twice? (which isn't reflected in the tool tip)

HOI isn't an Aura so no. Totems aren't directly affected by auras anyway are they?
IGN Corelica
Last edited by Chesto on Aug 25, 2014, 10:24:02 AM

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