Learn html 4 or 5 first?

Just a small nit, "HTML 5" is now obsolete too. Browsers follow the "HTML Living Standard" now (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/). This probably not import for y'all, but if you are working on something advanced and you think the browsers are doing the wrong thing, it might be because things are different in the living standard. (I use these standards a lot because I contribute to a browser implementation)

I really like IntelliJ, however the version for web development costs $

Also, if you are going into JavaScript later on, beware that there are a LOT of bad/old tutorials out there. JavaScript and the API's it uses have been improved a lot. For example jquery was/is really popular, but you can do without nowadays, most of its features are now supported by the browsers themselves.

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ is a good resource for web development.
Last edited by _JoWie_ on Aug 27, 2015, 5:32:38 PM
start by reading basic guides online then spend 2-3 hours reading source codes of pages you read.

For web design the CSS aspect is the most important hence it is how your pages flows and how it looks. Mastering perfectly css meaning you can do whatever you like with your page agencement perfectly. It is the most important aspect and the most "artistic" one, hence it mixes your creativity with your ability to create and insert arts or colors in your page.

Atm the best way of releasing a site is to use premade tools like joomla, because there are modules everywhere that can be used for your needs in it and it doesn't bug. Self made complex sites are always subject to bugs while using joomla or another tool like it prevents it from bugging.

That said when building a decent websites you will need understanding of php and (my)SQL too. SQL request are trivial things tho. however PHP is a real language, it can feel quite challenging for someone who isn't used to coding.

So basically I'm suggesting you to:
1) learn html basics: 1-3hours (doesn't really matter there are very little diffences between html versions.
2) watch source codes of multiple sites in order to get better into it and make side research to get how it works when you do not know. 1-4 hours
3) learn CSS and toy with it extensively, using also self made photoshop things and stuffs.(3-15hours)
4) toy with webmasters tools at disposal and work on a self project: few days.

That is the best way to go, the most "fun" and interractive way, and also the way that makes your the better at it.
Last edited by galuf on Sep 6, 2015, 10:38:04 AM

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