Remove-only stash tab change problems part 3 (thought experiment)

Arrowneous wrote:

 Aw crap... I was hoping that since all my tabs are premium that if I bought a normal stash tab bundle during this weekends sale I would not get a downgrade of a premium remove-only tab to a full use normal stash tab. That is really a load of crap to actually have a premium tab made into a regular stash tab. What was GGG thinking (obviously not about those buying tabs to expand storage space) with this change? GGG has a problem with race tabs and this is all they could come up with as a fix. What is the saying... something along the lines of "they can't code their way out of a wet paper bag". I fully understand that PoE 1.15 is a tremendously complex program with 1001 different interactions and such but is shafting all the players who want to buy additional storage space but keep their remove-only tabs for the long term the only way to go?
Finkenstein wrote:

Players should have option of right clicking and getting a screen that says erase RO tab? as opposed to clearing it out and then re-loading and its gone.

Having my new premium stash tab instantly full of junk as soon as I entered standard sucks considering it was not full when I bought it at the end of league. I as a player am pretty clean and neat with my tabs and to have my empty tabs become full of mixed stuff that I wanted and not wanted is confusing and time consuming.

Please GGG just leave the stuff in the tabs from one league to the next and let players sort it out by either having the options: of erasing the RO tabs, cleaning out their RO tabs or just leaving them alone, DO NOT simply add some annoying feature that mixes up your stuff via putting it RANDOMLY into empty tabs.

What? Nobody mixed up your items and nobody put items into your empty tabs. When you bought tabs during the last league, if you had remove only tabs in standard at the time, those changed from Remove Only to full use. So if you have mixed up items, you are the one who had them mixed up in the remove only tab before it was converted.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
Finkenstein wrote:
Having my new premium stash tab instantly full of junk as soon as I entered standard sucks

If you're RO stash is filled with 'junk', you should probably vendor it in the first place. You're not entitled to more space than everyone else due to playing another league because you don't feel like vendoring junk, sorry.

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