How slow can Temporal Chains get?

So, I started pondering when I found an Enhance gem whatever I might use it for, and after some research I decided the most interesting use of it would be for Temporal Chains.

Then I started thinking "hmm, wonder what else I can do to get this combo better?"

I have a Geofri's Crest which gives +1 to all gems in it, so that would increase both the enhance and the temporal chains...

But what's the best that's possible theoretically? (let's not try to hit 100% slow though or nerf would be incoming lol)

Level 21 Temporal Chains (+1 from helmet) = 35%
23% quality on the gem (from vaal orb)
Level 5 Enhance (+1 from vaal orb, +1 from helm) = 32% quality on gems

Then I thought, how about using quality Curse on Hit...

23% quality Curse on Hit = 11.5% increased Effect of Curses

Then there's Dying Breath (18% increase Effect of Curses), for 29.5% increased effect of curse.

So that gets me to slowdown being: 35% (base) + 26% (quality on gem + enhance) which with the increased effect of the curse on hit and staff (*1.29) = 91% slowdown

That's on white mobs though, on bosses it would be a lot less impressive.

Anyone else feel like trying to get higher theoretical values on this? :)
Designer of The Broken Crown
Designer of The Sigil Divination Card
Let's not forget about Empower, which at level 4 (imagine trying to vaal THAT!) would give +4 thanks to the extra +1 from the item for a total gem level of 25.

If you really want to get silly, add in something like Arctic Breath, which chills enemies and slows them by 33% I think? Seems like the perfect carrying skill for curse on hit.

So maybe something like:
+1 to all skills Tabula Rasa,
Temp Chains, empower, enhance, curse on hit, ice shot, LMP. Then finish them off with a fully charged Flameblast as they can't seem to move out of the radius.

edit--I didn't look too closely at the math in your post, but did you multiply the effect Dying Breath has? It says increased, but when you have an increased modifier on the player and an increased modifier on an enemy, they are actually multiplicative (hence why shock stacks give "increased damage taken" but people treat them as multiplicative).
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
Last edited by gilrad on May 8, 2014, 7:04:56 AM
Yeah, as far as I can tell the Curse on Hit quality bonus and Dying Breath power both "increase effect" of the curse, so I decided it's likely those two (11% and 18%) add together, before modifying the finished Temporal Chain value (so multiplying by 1.29)
Designer of The Broken Crown
Designer of The Sigil Divination Card
Last edited by cryptc on May 8, 2014, 7:18:34 AM
gilrad wrote:

edit--I didn't look too closely at the math in your post, but did you multiply the effect Dying Breath has? It says increased, but when you have an increased modifier on the player and an increased modifier on an enemy, they are actually multiplicative (hence why shock stacks give "increased damage taken" but people treat them as multiplicative).

I think you meant to say "actually additive."
Increased - additive.
More - multiplicative.

Edit: or am I wrong here? It's confusing the way you worded it.
Last edited by Stiglitz_ on May 8, 2014, 12:05:20 PM
Ice spear might be a better carrier for it due to its increased chill duration and high crit chance which guarantees a freeze. Paired with temp chains increasing the time those things last you could potentially lock up/near stop monsters for pretty extended periods of time.
Last edited by tramshed on May 8, 2014, 12:11:26 PM
check out my build sir. 70% slower + chill path.
2.0 ain't no melee patch.
The best I could come up with:

21% curse effectiveness from level 21 curse on hit in a +1 to gems item;
24% curse effectiveness from tree;
18% curse effectiveness from Dying Breath;
-60% curse effectiveness on bosses, according to wiki.

31% slower from a level 21 temporal chains in a +1 to gems item;
26% slower from 52 quality with level 4 enhance in a +1 to gems item.

Total against normal mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+21+24+18)% * (31+26)% = 92% slower

Total against boss mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+21+24+18-60)% * (31+26)% = 58% slower

the same setup, without dying breath

21% curse effectiveness from level 21 curse on hit in a +1 to gems item;
24% curse effectiveness from tree;
-60% curse effectiveness on bosses, according to wiki.

31% slower from a level 21 temporal chains in a +1 to gems item;
26% slower from 52 quality with level 4 enhance in a +1 to gems item.

Total against normal mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+21+24)% * (31+26)% = 82% slower

Total against boss mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+21+24-60)% * (31+26)% = 48% slower

similar setup with atziri's disfavour

22% curse effectiveness from level 21 curse on hit in a +2 to support gems item;
24% curse effectiveness from tree;
-60% curse effectiveness on bosses, according to wiki.

30% slower from a level 21 temporal chains;
30% slower from 52 quality with level 4 enhance in a +2 to support gems item;

Total against normal mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+22+24)% * (30+30)% = 87% slower

Total against boss mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+21+24-60)% * (31+26)% = 51% slower

I'd love building a character for maximal curse effectiveness, but curse immunity is just way too common to level up a character heavily invested into it. I'll probably end up making a utility character in standard using a free reset.
gilrad wrote:
edit--I didn't look too closely at the math in your post, but did you multiply the effect Dying Breath has? It says increased, but when you have an increased modifier on the player and an increased modifier on an enemy, they are actually multiplicative (hence why shock stacks give "increased damage taken" but people treat them as multiplicative).

Shock stacks indeed grant Increased Damage Taken - and that is a different modifier from Increased Damage. That's why they are both Increased-type modifiers, but still stack multiplicatively. :)
Increased Effect is Increased Effect, however. Dying Breath stacks additively.

(similar case: Aura with Increased Effect of Auras applying to a character with Increased Effect of Buffs. Aura and Buff Effect stack additively, even if they are from two different characters)
With atziri's disfavour and an animated guardian wielding dying breath:

22% curse effectiveness from level 21 curse on hit in a +2 to support gems item;
24% curse effectiveness from tree;
18% curse effectiveness from Dying Breath;
-60% curse effectiveness on bosses, according to wiki.

30% slower from a level 21 temporal chains;
30% slower from 52 quality with level 4 enhance in a +2 to support gems item;

Total against normal mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+22+24+18)% * (30+30)% = 98% slower, almost there

Total against boss mobs, assuming everything is additive:
(100+21+24-60+18)% * (31+26)% = 62% slower

How is the actual final attack speed calculated? Is it 100%-98%, 100%/(1+98%) or other?
Nah man, we can make it.
Atziri's disfavour:
temporal chains 21/20 - curse on hit 21/20 - empower 4/X - enhance 4/X - applying skill

Base = 30 (temporal chains) + 10 (temporal chains quality) + 6 (level 6 empower) + 20 (level 6 enhance) = 66 % base slow.

Increase modifiers = 22% (23/20 curse on hit) + 24% (from tree) + 18% (dying breath minion) = 64% increased effect

final slow = 66*1.64 = 108% slow.

Paging ghudda? or maybe someone with possibly more currency. this shit is in the 100's of exalts expensive.

I think you can manage with a level 2 empower though.
The empower pushes you over the edge into matrix territory.
Question is, since they have negative movement speed, do they moonwalk?

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