Rebalancing Corrupted Area and Invasion Bosses (Locked May 16)

ohN wrote:
Do people really have that hard of a time with invasion bosses?

I've been solo mapping to 86 so far and the only invasion boss I ever skip is the bird one cause i cant outdps his liferegen. I mean most of them are fairly trivial with the proper res flask + warding + knowing what they do (and not running -max cause if you get 1-shot there you can't really complain imo).
I'm eva/acro 2h st. I mean I guess some bosses would be noticeably harder as melee but I don't think that's what most people are complaining about.

I've only done up to 73s on this char but I can't imagine they hit thaat much harder in 78s.

You a 2h melee player?

Edit: Sorry didn't read all of your post my bad. Yeah pretty much you have to go any build that uses range to survive Invasion. Now that can be called a smart move to realise 2h melee isn't really a choice, but then again to disallow such a large portion of the game to be removed is disappointing to some degree.

Though I will admit to playing a very aggressive style, been 1 shot by vaal merc smash, stupid mistake but that's hc learning kicking in to remind you how to play, and 3 shot by Bladeback Guardian in like 2 seconds, this however was before they nerfed him for the first time. I just really want to play a melee 2h build right now, just bad timing that it coincides with invasion.

I'm kind of worried how badly it's going to be nerfed now, but I still think there needs to be some more tuning.
Last edited by TwistedTrip on Apr 21, 2014, 6:22:48 PM
When I die in this game, Ive always felt like it was my fault. Something I did wrong.

Not in Invasion. At all.
"Im just Path of Exile-ing my way through college." -Me
Dreggon wrote:
Invasion bosses seem a lot like glorified rogue exiles.

yknow the spawn rate of rogue's seems to be very high in corrupted zones don't they? they also hang out a lot with the big guy's
"We wanted to retain the feeling of danger, while making sure that players had time to react and choose whether to engage the bosses."

This is why bosses like Wiraq The Impaler, Sunburst Queen, Shivershell, Mother of the Swarm, and Inti of the Bloodmoon are perfect invaders that provide a challenge to the player should they decide to engage them, as the real dangers come once you've committed to fighting them. Rather than a boss throwing a bear trap at you from off-screen forcing you to stand there waiting for it to smash you, or other bosses that can instantly show up without warning (devourer bosses, a couple of the teleporting/flicker bosses, leaping goat/chaos murk fiend bosses) or snipe you from off screen. (Pretty much anything ranged)

Anything else like Glassmaul, Grath, Ossecati, Mammoth Cage, and Mother of the Hive, are just gimmicky bosses in such a way that they're easy to kill, not particularly difficult or dangerous (with the exception of a desync'd Ossecati slam), but just take forever to take down, creating nothing but an artificial difficulty. Also with the popularity of CoC these days, a boss with the "takes forever to die" gimmick seems to just cause more lag with those kinds of builds, especially ones that summon minions.
Last edited by Chthonian on Apr 21, 2014, 9:53:37 PM
Short suggestion, but in order to prepare for invasion bosses encounters, could they have whether:
-an aura, with a huge radius, that is whether unique to every boss wether relative to their playstyle (melee, ranged, fire, physical, you get the idea)
-A special kind of marking on the minimap; an exclamation point or simply a red dot

I'm leaving it there, I do feel like the bosses i've encountered so far are hard but thats also what makes it fun
Last edited by Death_invoquer on Apr 21, 2014, 11:01:09 PM
I don't care about the corrupted area difficulties. Instead, make all the sacrifice pieces drop at equal rates. I've played well over a hundred areas and not seen one midnight. The whole fun of trying to get to Atziri has been pretty much ruined for me.

This game has become way too much of a grind.
IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion
I think its fine to have really hard boss fights, just not when its a surprise as well. Invasion boss's should be more of a choice, like strongbox's. You click them to initiate the fight and then have 5 seconds before they begin to attack, or maybe they are in a side zone. Also having a rating on them and a little information on their dps type would prevent so many people from learning the lesson through death.

If your going to add incredibly hard fights to the game, it needs to be more like a normal boss fight or rolling a hard map. It needs to be a choice and a decision made based on your skill, build and knowledge of the game. Id suggest giving them different colors or text color based on their difficulty, green, orange, red.. etc. Something that gives you an idea of how hard they are. Perhaps they shouldn't attack until being attacking?

Ultimately dying to learn the mechanics of a boss, is too high a price. And being pigeon holed in to certain builds because of the element of surprise and not having a choice to fight is not good for the game.

Make the fights optional, make some of the boss's as hard as they were originally. Lets enjoy watching the videos of those who wish to build around defeating the hardest boss's, lets watch them make a decision to fight, and get rewarded for their build. These builds have much slower kill speeds and are generally much less interesting/fun to play. They could use a system that challenges them and rewards them fairly (making up for the relatively slow kill speed/MF they normally have). But it needs to be a choice.
ign: DaEDaenarys
Last edited by BldSwtTrs on Apr 22, 2014, 3:37:00 AM
mazul wrote:
Chris, I strongly suggest that you balance invasion bosses so that with 5k hp and 75% res, you will never die to a Invasion boss in less than 2 seconds from off-screen at a lv78 map.

5k hp and 75% res should be the stats around which you balance your content at lv78 maps.

(These numbers are reasonable for lv90 characters that have roughly 230%ish increased life and have 2nd highest tier of life on almost all their gear)

(As you may know, getting over 75% resist is hard for many builds)

Edit: Also, if you feel like people will simply build far tankier than "5k hp and 75% res" if you were to balance lv78 content around those stats, just increase the hp of lv78 monsters then to punish "too safe builds".

For instance, if one skill point can be used to either get 2% more life or 3% more dmg: as long as the mob hp is low, the 2% more life option becomes more attractive, but if the monster hp is higher then the 3% more dmg becomes more attractive.

Nah, just nahh. Highest content facetanking with 75% and 5k HP ? You can't be serious with this.

I died once in invasion on my first char at the start of the legaue and honestly, it was my own dumb fault. Meanwhile i have two chars (lv84 and lv83), one char is even a CI char with only 6.2k ES (4Link 4k RoA dps) and im just laughing about the bosses. Apperatus ? Overcap res, Big white Spider ? Flame totem + blind.
The only boss i _really_ fear is the black flicker/ek (cant kite) spider and the vaal fallen with the zombies (man, these zombies hitting like jumbojets and have the speed of light..)

If you gonna make them again easier, please do reduce the drop's (like some1 stated here before)
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.

Astarte911 wrote:

The only boss i _really_ fear is the black flicker/ek (cant kite) spider and the vaal fallen with the zombies (man, these zombies hitting like jumbojets and have the speed of light..)

Why is that? Because you're forced to face them toe to toe?

I prefer melee and have a problem with most of the Inv bosses, I skip them by default.

The problem is that they either do too much damage and are too risky or they have too much life, drain my pots and result in a long fight that's not worth it.

Being ranged takes away a lot of risk and effort people! The invasion bosses painfully expose the dis-balance between ranged and melee in my opinion.
Last edited by Startkabels on Apr 22, 2014, 3:11:24 PM
When I die in this game, Ive always felt like it was my fault. Something I did wrong.

Not in Invasion. At all.

When it's my fault I don't mind dieing, well I do, but it was my fault so I accept it. The problem I have with this game is, for every one of these there are 9 others that were BS one-shots or the result of desync, mostly BS one-shots.

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