First to come

ClockCat wrote:
Sacerrex wrote:
I'm sure that all of us agree that we don't want D3 to be a flop, nor PoE

D3 won't, simply because Blizzard is launching it. Everyone knows about Diablo 3.

PoE on the other hand, isn't very well known outside of some relatively small internet circles. Diablo 3 will have hundreds of thousands, if not millions of players simply by being a Blizzard game. Not to mention they will undoubtedly offer cross promotions between games, like they did with WoW and SC2 already.

PoE doesn't even have 20,000 accounts made.

No matter how good PoE is, it is going to be a tiny spec in the shadow of Diablo 3 in terms of playerbase size. Even if it is free. Even if Diablo 3 isn't as good in comparison. It is known, and people will be playing it. Most people, myself included, want to play with their friends.

Yeah I meant game wise, no doubt they'll sell millions of copies, but I ment as the in-game content, like no bugs (or at least a large majority of them delt with) the content is good, and the player base is happy with it. Not sale value :P
It's an interesting question. Personally, I'm not interested in the D3 beta at all, but would love the chance to beta test path of Exile.

D3 has been in the works for a long time, and I've been very keen to play it, for a long time... BUT! I'm not interested in trying to get into the D3 beta. I'll pick it up when it goes gold, and I'm content with that. I know Blizzard are capable of incredible polish, and I'm happy to wait while they get it done.

PoE however, I find rather... endearing. A bunch of guys sitting in the garage going "You know what, we could make an awesome ARPG of our own!" Those are just the sort of notions I'm partial to myself. And I'm extremely impressed with what they've got so far, and moreover, the way they conduct themselves: with intelligence and professionalism. I'd be stoked to participate in their development process.

Plus the PoE beta will benefit from actual play testing - feedback players give is being listened to and acted on. I get the feeling Blizzard probably won't be looking for that sort of involvement from players. That "I could make a difference" feeling is definitely an enticing one.

DarkWestern wrote:
This thread is relevant to my interests.

Woah! Dude! Me too! That is crazy!
Sacerrex wrote:
I've been a long time Diablo veteran since '03. I'm also a Video maker on Youtube trying to find the right path to tons of views and subscribers to eventually start making money off of what I love to do. I also like to give valuable feedback to help developers and I'm sure that all of us agree that we don't want D3 to be a flop, nor PoE (And I'm sure they wont)so either way, If I get a Beta Key to either, I'm defiantly going to be playing hours on end to help make both games successful and try to give back to the community :D

OP here!

Hey bro, I like the way you think and also, it showed me a way to think about this situation that i've never seen before!

What I like about your post is the community! When you talked about the community, I just realised that GGG might be far more close to the community than diablo and that this is why POE has a lot more to offer than diablo righ now, i think! We all know that blizzard just like the money . With the GGG community, we might be able to show our idea and they might be integrated to the game! That would be awesome!

So yeah, POE has won over the community side :D!
All we have to do now, is tell more and more people about POE. We will get more beta keys after patch0.93 right? it's agood occasion to show the people how POE is a great looking game!
well ive been playing diablo since the first one came out and i got to say i wasnt too old think 14 so something like 96 and ive played lot and lots of hour for me poe is what diablo 3 shoulda look like 4-5 years ago as far as gfx goes
gameplay well id like to extrapolate but it kinda hard to do so when i havent played it i did watch a couple of hours of gameplay i have a faint clue but not a fix idea but i gotta say the skill and gem system is a genius idea whoever thought that up had some serious brain keep ur gems lvl em up and use em to upgrade ur skills to make em better or just different.That gives place to a lot of customization
and that what make these kind of game great lot of loot lot of skills and the ability to place and use em as u will.I dont think u can ask for more control then that d3 is gonna be good but in it own way these game started from the same mold but each ends up being original in their own way.To be honest ill play them both and ill like and hate both of em for their qualities and default that just how it is nothing can be perfect now all i need is a goblin and a mace to start this party.............
Diablo 3 beta was too short.
These games are pretty different, but right now as it stands Path of Exile beta will keep you busy much longer than Diablo 3's. I mean there's videos of people speed running the entire Diablo 3 beta in 24 minutes.
zeto wrote:
lol I thought this was a contest thread for a beta key :P

me too

Aki wrote:

Plus the PoE beta will benefit from actual play testing - feedback players give is being listened to and acted on. I get the feeling Blizzard probably won't be looking for that sort of involvement from players. That "I could make a difference" feeling is definitely an enticing one.

^^ This ^^

I'm a massive fan of D2 pretty sure its my fave PC game ever made - But I've not even signed up for the D3 beta as above I dont think our voices would be heard when dealing with a corp. like Blizzard anymore....Plus not conviced my 4 year old PC would do the graphics justice (or even run it at all!!)
OP here

I'm seeing some thing here hoho!

First of all, diablo 3's beta is still running, in facts, they started yesterday their closed beta! ALso, Diablo 3's demo is short that is a fact! But if you compare this beta to SC2 beta for example, it is not the same at all! Diablo has a story! and this is why they ant to keep the beta short. that being said, OF COURSE POE is a better beta to play, cuz we have acces to the almost full game i think :P!

Right now, we have much much more chances to be heard by GGG since they are close to their player than blizzard! Blizzard just don't give a fuck about their player...

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