Are Mages A Race?

MonstaMunch wrote:
fwiw, my view is that a person can belong to more than one race, and that being of a particular species doesn't make you exclusive to that race. For example, elves (as you rightly pointed out) can be mages in pretty much any lore you read, so they can be of both races.
While accurate for differing real-world definitions of race, the problem with this in the context of a game is that in a game, you generally can't do that. In a situation like this:
MonstaMunch wrote:
If you were playing a game and the playable races were listed as Orcs, Goblins, Elves, Mages
you're picking one from the list - you can't be both race A and race B in game mechanical terms in almost any game I can recall other than the card game Munchkin, and that only with a specific card for being a half-breed (which in other games might be it's own separate race - e.g. Half-elves in D&D aren't mechanically considered to be both elves and humans, but to be half-elves). So if you wanted a character which was both an elf and a mage, as you suggest should be possible (and I agree), then what would you chose, given this selection you posted?
Hence, games tend to use the term race in the context of exclusive groups - you can't be of multiple races. And since people will care about what species their character is, if the choice of race isn't specific to that, then there needs to be a separate choice for species (unless there's only one playable species).
Even if you're going to do a game where that's not the case, that's the default assumption of most gamers when asked to pick their race - that they pick one.
Add to that that the term race is commonly used to mean species in fantasy gaming and you're setting yourself up for extra confusion here, particularly when all the other listed options are like that, and mage is the odd one out.

So really, I think what it comes down to is that
MonstaMunch wrote:
...playing a game and the playable races were listed as Orcs, Goblins, Elves, Mages
This seems so odd as to be almost comical, for the reasons listed above - the first four clearly seem to be using race to mean species and are priming me that that's how it's used here, and the last clearly doesn't fit. And unless there's a very clear thing saying "pick one or more of these races" for this hypothetical game, then I can't be an elf and a mage, which adds to the seeming silliness of this setup.

But, if instead a game promoted me to choose a race from a list more like:
  • Desert Nomad Tribes
  • People of the Forest
  • The Coalition of Pirate Fleets
  • Followers of The Sun
  • Mages of the High Tower
then the "mage" option stands out less because it's not radically different in nature from the others. These are all racial groups in the same sense - none of them sound like species, and with no other info, I could easily assume that all of them are human, or some other single species - but they might not be. Perhaps all People of the forest are Elves, the desert tribes could be dwarves, orcs or humans, and similar species restrictions for each racial group, as a separate choice.
Mark nailed it! In this discussion, mages as a race is easier to understand when it is intepreted as mages as an ethnic group, as opposed to a different species.
sam06 wrote:
Mark nailed it! In this discussion, mages as a race is easier to understand when it is intepreted as mages as an ethnic group, as opposed to a different species.

Ethinic groups are races. Look the word up. That's how one can be of the human race and of another race at the same time.

Mark_GGG wrote:

I get what you're saying, and agree with it to the extent that things are being reworked to make it all fit. I have some difficulty in understanding your examples, but I may send you a PM at some point for clarification if you don't mind.

In any case, your last example of
But, if instead a game promoted me to choose a race from a list more like:
Desert Nomad Tribes
People of the Forest
The Coalition of Pirate Fleets
Followers of The Sun
Mages of the High Tower

Is pretty much what we ended up going with. It's also good from an artistic perspective, as it leaves a bit more room to play around visually.

Many thanks again to all who contributed opinions.
I just want so smash a monster when a dev ignores me.
Selling logs: /view-thread/782113(very high speed)
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MonstaMunch wrote:
Ethinic groups are races. Look the word up. That's how one can be of the human race and of another race at the same time.

I know, but when we're talking about games (especially RPGs),


so, let's put it into equations


Huh? Wats wit dat? This RPG convention is why we're asking the question, in a nutshell.

To answer the question, we should not conform to the RPG trope mentioned above and we should use the 'race=ethnic group' equation instead.

A very good example is the Nickelodeon Avatar series (Yes, it is magical).
Last edited by sam06 on Feb 17, 2014, 4:04:54 AM
sam06 wrote:

In case it makes any difference, we're not discussing an RPG, but I do see your point and I'll take it on board. Thanks again for the input :)
Inexium2 wrote:
I just want so smash a monster when a dev ignores me.

I never ignore you honey but im not a dev. Are we still going to dinner later? ;)

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