1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

You should give your Geofri's to Liodene a few posts up, he said he has had bad luck finding any gear and that mace would be a massive improvement for him.
Radagastt wrote:
You should give your Geofri's to Liodene a few posts up, he said he has had bad luck finding any gear and that mace would be a massive improvement for him.

I'll do.
--- Disclaimer: i am not an expert! ---

First of all, I found another Voidhome plus one Geofri's Baptism today. Will give them to the first person to ask for each. Also a couple of other crappy stuff:
Standard League

Chests and boots are crappy and i suggest you buy better ones for cheap, but if you can't well here you go ;)

Second here are some more screenshots from IAS (and other dmg related) stuff, just so you know what to expect before you buy something: http://imgur.com/a/9CF21#0

Don't worry to much, you are doing ok.
Just get a better Mace when you can, that will help your DPS a lot.
About gems, if you think you might have done something wrong then change the gems around and check your DPS (but you are ok).
For more DPS: try to get LL from other gear and remove the LL gem, also try (kinda harder) to use skills from mana so you can remove the BM gem. These are just suggestions and may come "naturally" over time then you are higher lvl (i mentioned that i couldn't use HS of my mana before i had high enough DPS for the 2% Mana Leech to do the job).
If you want to try out ConcEffect, then do it: pick up a random piece of gear that has one red-blue link and try GS+ConcEffect. See how the range is. If you think you can live with that, then great :)

If i had 4 points to spend on your tree, then personally i would spend the 3 to take Skull Cracking and the last for one 8% life.

xkrissi wrote:
very very good guide i must say, im using it and lvl 64 atm, why do u say tho that the players wont reach lvl 100? is it because it takes too long or because the players are new?

I said it before, there is a reason the Achievement for reaching lvl90 is called "Diminishing Returns" ;)
lvl55 to lvl56 takes 30mins
lvl65-66 takes an hour
lvl75-76 takes ones days play time (if you play only a couple of hours like me ofc)
lvl85-86 takes again a days play time, but now you must do it on "high" lvl maps
lvl95-96 takes a week if you can afford the amount of lvl75 and over maps...

Check out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApoQAq3DjDGGdFR3U2NUVkxhRmc2bUxzeWhkVThrdGc&usp=sharing#gid=2:
When your char is lvl74, it will be the last time you get full XP from a lvl66 map...
At char lvl83 you need a lvl74 map to get the same 98% of the full XP, and a lvl66 map will only give you 13% of the full XP :/

Death's Oath is a good armor, but the supported that created it had a CI build in mind. Still a good "DPS armor" ofc and many use it.
Let us drool over some really good armors that we will never have, lol:
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd on Dec 3, 2013, 10:12:32 PM
Gorzum wrote:
Hi exiles!

I've just beat Dominus in Merciless. I followed the build religiously. It's really awesome :D
My stats/gear :



Fire/Cold/Lightning resists : 75%
Chaos resist: -60% ( :s)
GS dps :5481
HS dps :7863

I need advice about my gear. I don't know what to improve/change to improve survivability/dps. Any comments please ?

Even though I am not an expert on this build I will tell you what no doubt others would say. First of all your life is low. You helm, belt and gloves have no life on them. High life is key to our survivability.

Second they might say that your armor is low as well. although I do not know how to improve on armor. So could someone else tell me and him how to get that armor score higher.

I am trying to help out as much as I can even though I do not know a lot about the class or this game. Sorry I could not help you anymore than that.
Last and i believe final update on my progress with this build.
I have to admit, I've learned a lot about gearing, passive tree etc

I followed the guide closely to about level 70, at that point i began to make a hybrid with this build
It's working out greatly for me.
All I have to do now is completely replace my jewelery (its shit, have it since level 20-30 or so, lol) to get some more resists/life leech/stats.
Gloves for atkspeed and overall more armor on the rest of my gear.

I'd like to offer you a sincere thank you creator of this build, You've made PoE enjoyable for me after a failed witch.

Current gear:


Some numbers we all like:
5670 hp
28497 dps single target
15395 Ground slam dps

After jewelery changes, gloves etc, I expect well above 30k single target, 20k~ ground slam.
Last edited by Simsung on Dec 2, 2013, 2:27:13 PM
is legacy kaom's heart, 1k hp the best chest for marauders? or atleast this build. If not then please tell me which type of armor is the best. Astral plate maybe?
Last edited by xkrissi on Dec 2, 2013, 3:47:18 PM
is this updated for 1.0.2? still viable? :)

This is the gear i have atm!

lvl 45!

Last edited by tyvar1 on Dec 2, 2013, 4:52:24 PM
tyvar1 wrote:
is this updated for 1.0.2? still viable? :)

This is the gear i have atm!

lvl 45!

you should really get a new neck, just use orb of alchemy on a white onyx amulet
Thanks for that chart with the xp values, I was wondering why I wasn't getting any xp when I was on level 40 and in act 2 mericless, had to go back and grind.

Here's my gear at level 46

thank you for this guide its the best ive found and i have searched alot of builds last 4 days very well made and written up thx
ryan b.

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