
I'm using this skill as a third skill for my fire witch, it works very well but i do not consider it is OP. I almost play solo, main skill is fireball with life leech, secondary skill is discharge+Ecry. I use also FlameBast sometimes: a very useful way to exploit FBast is that you can hit (and often kill) enemies which are unaware of you and are 'behind' a corner or offscreen (if you have high +AoE).

However you cannot use this thecnique in MPlayer without coordination.
Roma timezone (Italy)
It's really annoying having to move your character to make it blow in a timely manner. Just make it blow as soon as you stop casting.
How does this spell interact with spell echo?
2 flameblasts?, 2 charges of flameblast? (ie, it just charges faster due to cast speed increase)
wooli wrote:
How does this spell interact with spell echo?
2 flameblasts?, 2 charges of flameblast? (ie, it just charges faster due to cast speed increase)
two charges, for cost of one cast, and yes cast faster.
If I have 30% chance to shock will the 'chance to shock' roll for every single mob affected by my flameblast individually (like burns) or does it only roll once per flameblast detonation?

Beyond league.
Hi. I'm currently leveling a flameblast witch.

by now i took some basic points (level 58) and the chance of ignite thing on top.

some questions:

i thought that increasing cast speed would help a lot, was i wrong? i can reach 10 stages kinda fast, but it doesnt seem to do this enourmous damage.. some fire resist mobs are just impossible to kill for me, even with flammability

should i take more spell damage nodes and less cast speed?

is spell echo a good one here? i charges the blast twice as fast so i guess it is?

spell echo scales with cast speed though. is casting a lot of max stages flamesblasts a viable opstion?
i'm using arctic armour so standing still may not be such a problem, ideas?

what secondary spell should i use to support this in a good way?

pls halp i'm lost


PS: can you add a way to detonate the blast instantly? it is very annoying.. or idk, add an opstion to blast it when it reaches 10 stages xD
paleguy wrote:
PS: can you add a way to detonate the blast instantly?

Movement and activating any other Skill instantly detonates Flameblast. Bind move-only to a key (I pretty much always have LMB as move-only) and use that to trigger FB.

Yes, do get some Increased Spell Damage. Flameblast has a massive More-type multiplier, which is multiplicative with Increased Damage. Utilise that multiplcative stacking to its full potential.

Do you have Fire Penetration? Pen Gems are a must-have for any single-Element build. It easily doubles your Damage against monsters with high Resistances.

Spell Echo charges 50-70% faster (because you Cast 50-70% faster), for only -10% Damage. It's amazing. Unless you have less than 15% Cast Speed, it's better than Faster Casting.
Rowsol wrote:
It's really annoying having to move your character to make it blow in a timely manner. Just make it blow as soon as you stop casting.

I sign this.
its waiting in case someone makes another cast of it... you know that stack and all...
I like Flameblast becasue it's very powerful spell, and I am able to get away with putting almost zero passive points into offensive and concentrate solely on defense, for hc.

That being said, after the nerf, skill is not broken. It is however, very cumbersome to play sometimes.

If there is one change I would make to the skill, it is that building up time of 3 seconds is shortened, and damage somewhat reduced in order to compensate for the change.

In other words, I would like to see the spell remain on the same powerlevel, with the same dps in practice, but changed in the way that it's faster. Doesn't need to get huge boost in speed, only a slight one.

I had a character with 250 (or 270?) cast speed, and at that speed, it still gets very annoying to play from time to time, with constant waiting on build up. And anyone playing this game knows that having 300% cast speed is A LOT!

Without any cast speed, while leveling mainly, your risk ending up in mental hospital.

That being said, it's still fun to play, most of the time, but I feel that it would be way more popular and fun to play if it was more fast paced.

Second of all, make it so that when I finish casting it it explodes automatically.
There is really no point in me clicking two times for one cast of single spell. Also very cumbersome.

Other than these two points (which are not minor btw), thumbs up for the skill
If GGG decides to heed the pleas of community, and improves on these aspect of the skill, I feel it would be their best skill to date.

Not to mention that it would benefit them greatly in financial aspect, as they have a microtransaction for it (proud owner of it!), and if more people play it, more of them will buy micro for it.

Last edited by Tank_The_Shredder_Evans on Nov 7, 2014, 6:59:25 PM

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