Event Times & Time-Zones, POE is pay to win

First off, the ladder is skewed in favor of people living in ideal timezone. An ideal timezone is one where the player has the events and races catered to their schedule. Meaning that the period of time, (from when they get off work/school until 6-8 hours later), is when the majority of events occur. Currently the most ideal timezone seems to be players in -1 through +1 UTC timezone.

Edited addition: Also, it looks like you are playing favorites because 1am-6am pacific time block of races is ideal for Australian players

My personal Bias... most people playing this game, myself included, have jobs. I am in the Pacific Time Zone & the majority of races start after 8AM and end before 7PM here. I work 10AM-7PM and consequently do not get to participate in most of the races. After checking the Season 5 calendar as well as possible rewards points for events I figured out that it is impossible for me to earn 1000 season reward points for the belt reward. This discourage me from participating in the majority of events I did have access to.

Furthermore, specific event modes I enjoy playing seem to always occur during my work hours while modes I dislike seem to be the only ones available to me. I am sure many players have missed modes they love playing due to responsibilities.

An easy solution for this is to allow players the ability to start the race any time during that race-day. For example on the 27th this month there are 2 races going on, a 1hr descent and another 1hr descent w/champion mod. You could make these events available at the beginning of the day with the requirement that they be completed by the end of the day. Allowing everyone in every timezone a chance to play it.

Instead of people getting the *first kill or first entry message* you could have fastest kill/clear records that notify in chat when broken.

Shameless "doing this will make you more money" Pitch:
Make races more accessible -> More players playing more races -> More players spending more time playing POE overall -> Micro-transaction revenue directly correlated to number of players playing POE and time spent playing POE -> Therefore $$$-PROFIT-$$$

Alright, I acknowledge that this is not a "pay cash for an in-game advantage" being sold by GGG. They are setting the new standard for all game developers in regards to a viable/profitable Pay-to-Win/Free-to-Play model.

What I mean when I say POE is pay to win:
Outlandish example #1
"Lets pretend I am wealthy and work from home on my computer. For fun I play POE and I notice that most of the events are at inconvenient times for my current timezone. I decide that since it wont effect my work I will PAY to buy a home in a different timezone and move their for an advantage."

Realistic Example #1
"I work a 9-5 and the majority of the races are during my work hours, I could change jobs to a night shift to gain access to more events but will end up paying for it in more ways then one... no time for family or friends, possibly have to take a job with a lower wage..."

Making races available throughout the day evens the playing field for everyone. As it stands the race/event ladder is worse then useless. It allows for player to "be better or higher ranked" then another player, not due to skill but due to happenstance and luck (living in an ideal timezone vs an un-ideal timezone).

Please GGG, level the playing field.
Last edited by sandmonkeys on Nov 21, 2013, 3:56:37 AM
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I like the idea but it wouldn't be possible for certain races such as 1hour cutthroat.
Still it would be nice for most of the races above 1hour.
There are many races i attended because they fall very well into my time zone and i don't understand how races = P2W.
So far, starting times for races have been changed every season. So chances are, the ones of the next will suit you better :-)

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