Not another Mooning

Please Moon press on, overcome this minor derailment and get back on track. I wont speak for anyone else, but I'm looking forward to the next installment.
"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

Good news, bad news.

Next week my replacement on nights starts training with me. This is good news for me as I hate working nights.

Bad news for my writing as I wont be able to write during the nights anymore.

Henry and Rory kept their tight grip on me as we went back into the common room and right past everyone into Doctor Boem's office.
“What? No straightjacket this time?” I asked being sarcastic.
“We can't get it away from Nightlamre90.” Henry said and Rory nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, you try getting anything away from Nightmare90 without using elephant tranquilizers first.” Rory added.
“Um. Just how did Nightmare90 come to have my straightjacket and who is Nightmare90?” I asked, but thought maybe I should just let it go.
“Nightmare90 was part of a government experiment on the effects of long term exposure to reality T.V.” Henry said.
“Driven mad by an overdose of having to watch it?” I asked and they both laughed.
“No. Nightmare90 was the one responsible for creating the content!” Rory barked and they both kept laughing. I decided not to press the issue about the straightjacket. In the room they both put their meaty hands on my shoulders and Henry looked me right in the eye.
“Don't make us come back for you.” He said and I quickly agreed. I sat there and heard them leave the room. Doctor Boem entered shortly after and again sat down behind his desk and had to adjust the height of his chair. He leaned forward to his intercom.
“Nurse Bex, please lock Vakiratuta in with Bhavv until he promises to stop using my office.” He said and clicked the intercom off and leaned back and took a long look at me. “So Moon. I have reviewed your criminal record and I must say I'm quite impressed.
“Thank you Doctor Boem.” I smiled when I answered.
“Shut up Moon.” He replied and didn't return my smile. “As I was saying, you have quite the record. So before we get to our little meeting. Where's my stapler?”
“Still on the floor where you threw it.” I answered.
“I see.” He said, but he never looked to the corner were it lay. “Alright. Let's begin.” He leaned forward to the intercom. “Nurse Bex, please come to my office.” And he sat back again and waited. I heard the door open.
“Yes Doctor?” She asked.
“Nurse Bex, would you be so kind?” He asked and I turned to face her, but got slapped upside the head. “Thank you Nurse Bex.” He said dismissing her.
“Anytime Doctor.” And she left again. I sat there very confused to say the least.
“Now Moon. Tell me what you see.” He held up a picture. I peered closer and answered.
“You family on vacation?” I asked and he waited for a moment, before leaning forward again to the intercom.
“Nurse Bex.” He said into it and the door opened and I got slapped again.
“What?” I exclaimed as I rubbed my now sore head.
“I don't appreciate sarcasm Moon.” He said.
“But that is what I see!” I protested. He flipped the picture over and his eyes got wide.
“Oh! My mistake. That is my family on vacation. Thank you Nurse Bex.” She nodded, but before she could turn to leave he added, “And Nurse Bex, next time try to wear something that shows a little more cleavage.” I was shocked! But even more so when she hit me again!
“What?” I demanded again.
“He can fire me if I hit him.” She answered and slammed the door behind her.
“Now then Moon.” He said like nothing had just happened! “Let's try this again. He took out a different set of cards and made sure they were right this time. “Ugh!” He said and threw the first one in the trash.
“Doctor Boem?” I asked as he threw another one away.
“Huh?” He said while going through the pile of cards and throwing more of them away.
“Can I go now?” I asked and he stopped and looked again to the last card in his hand.
“You believe that shit they make me show you?” He said holding up a Rorschach card.
“Uh, no?” I offered and he shook his head and threw the last one away.
“Well that was pointless.” He sat back and smiled. “Still here Moon?”
“No sir, I already left. I said and got out of my seat.
“Excellent. Can't stand his type.” He said and leaned back into his chair. I took my cue and left the office.
That's great news for you Moon. More time to spend with family and friends I'm guessing.

I'll miss the writing as it is very enjoyable to read. I'll miss being able to bounce stuff off you during my slower work days more though I reckon.

Once again a great read, cheers to you mate.

"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

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