1.0.0 Release Patch Notes

congrats on release!
Biroso wrote:

The idea behind the 60% reservation, I believe, is forcing you into choosing only 1 percentage aura and manage the flat number auras anyway you can. Even without any "reduced mana reserved" nodes I'm betting you can run a percentage aura and a flat one from your mana pool and 2 or 3 other flat auras with BM. So essentially, if you want to make an end game Auramancer, you could probably still stack 4 or 5 auras. It's just a lot more demanding, for a build especialized in doing that, not for every single char in game be running around with 7 auras...

The mana cost for all auras except Clarity has been changed to 60% reservation.

Only 1 flat aura now.
The mana cost for all auras except Clarity has been changed to 60% reservation.

And with this, my CI/EB witch finally falls.
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
Galtrovan wrote:
shoju wrote:
Wow... I love everything except the aura changes. Something needed to be done. I wont argue that. But, 60% reservation is probably going to kill my Marauder.

I felt like I needed to run


I'm glad that I don't need to also worry about running grace, and Iron Reflexes, but the other three auras were almost a necessity to survive, and kill in maps.

On top of this, what in the world do you do with something you only need 2 sockets for? One Aura + Reduced Mana? What's the point? It just isn't a sensical change.

And that doesn't even cover EB. What do you use that for now? The only thing I ever saw anyone use it for was Aura builds. Nothing else.

Reserve judgment until you see the passive tree, but yes, you will need to invest into the passives that reduce mana reservation to run multiple auras, which to me is how it should be.

Finally someone saying something smart

dont think you understand. i dont NEED any auras. but i WANT three auras. plus, i wont be using reduced mana, ill have empower instead in alphas howl.

empower only works with active skills

Hi everyone,
thats right that some things has been nerfed and other things has been buffed, but don´t forget why the game can be released tomorrow – it has been tested ;-)
I think that all the possibilities including major changes to existing builds on high/max lvl chars has been verified by the ggg developing team – just wait until the release is up and i´m sure we all will be much happier then before.
Come on, with all the new content/skill tree reset for what more can we wish for?
In my opinion this is one of the best game i´ve ever played!

Just my 2 cents and peace :-)
Oh man, I can tell that of these 67 pages of replies there will be a lot QQ'ers when it comes to the unique item changes and aura's, but all I can say is congrats GGG on release and I can't wait to play the game you guys have always wanted to play yourselves!
Mind over Matter, Is this 30% reduction calculated before defensive reduction or after ?
IGN coolshadower, lightingking

Congratulations, GGG!

So excited for release, and loving some of the changes I'm seeing. (Arc getting boosted, Cleave getting brought in line, Auras becoming more of a serious decision, Shadows getting a couple mana passives)

Can hardly wait until tomorrow!

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