I Cast Magic Missile! - Cantrip's Guide to Ethereal Knives

I'll suggest gear in a sec, busy today. I don't think Alpha's is really worth it, but it's worth trying.

As for Cast on Stun, I'm gonna return it later, I just lost the ability to use the gems I overleveled when I retrained and lost some STR. It worked just fine, and will go back in the future. Either that, or CoDT (leveled). I'm getting tired of Chroming that head, so far it ate like 200.

Why Haste rather than Grace, btw?
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Last edited by CantripN on Nov 16, 2013, 1:30:34 PM
Well I'm in Domination so I was thinking Haste for damage, but yeah Grace seems like a better idea, cheers. I tried the CwDT leveled and I just wasn't a fan, it wasn't proccing anywhere near enough and was at over 2/3rd my HP to proc (took 2.2k to use).
Penetros wrote:
Well I'm in Domination so I was thinking Haste for damage, but yeah Grace seems like a better idea, cheers. I tried the CwDT leveled and I just wasn't a fan, it wasn't proccing anywhere near enough and was at over 2/3rd my HP to proc (took 2.2k to use).

To be honest, I kinda liked Cast on Stun, but it's kinda hard to stun this kind of character. Outside of Chargering Rhoas or the like, few things can do it. Remember CwDT builds up over time, you don't have to take the full amount at once, but yes, that's part of the reason I like CwS better sometimes (for a while I was using both on the same gems, to give them 2 chances to proc).

Anyway, Lightning Warp as a Culling skill works, but the effective Cast Time is too slow to be good, in my opinion. It does save you quite a few gems, but Incinerate takes a blink of an eye to cull.

I notice you're not using a Curse. Why? Either Projectile Weakness, Temporal Chains or Enfeeble are good to have. Personally, I like Enfeeble on damage taken for when I get him, and self-cast Proj. Weakness for when I need the damage boost.

I'd seriously work on getting that Coil or the other Unique Chest. Either is a HUGE boost, just make sure to get full resists either way. If you don't want either, get a good EV/ES or AR/ES chest, but I doubt it'll be better - you can't do Pure ES because you'll need to many off-colors.
Berek's Grip is kinda wasted, btw, and most of your gear isn't bad but could use an upgrade with more Life/Resist. Shield could more ES/Life, if you can find one like yours, but it's kinda nice!

But most of all - 5-6L Lightning Coil is a good plan. If you get like 3-4 more Exalts, I think you might be able to run a 6L Lottery. That'd be AWESOME!
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Last edited by CantripN on Nov 16, 2013, 3:36:08 PM
Currently level 66 in Nemesis and its...unsatisfying.

I am currently grinding Docks to get to level 67/68 for catacombs, tried them at 66 but i take far too much damage and i am not able to deal enough damage to the clear fast.


(i need manaleech, cant spamm EK without it)

Cant afford better, only having 16 Chaos and prices are skyrocketing every day more.


Stats Buffed:

i have currently exactly 83 mana left. So there is no room for MoM.

How can i improve? Damage solo is Okay, but against Camouflage predator i go oom and Bosses (didnt tried piety yet, dont think my gear is even remotely ready for her) make me go oom aswell.

(Yes i missed a few DPS nodes, i made this build myself before this Thread came up and didnt plan to include any DPS nodes, rushed for 4 auras.)
Last edited by katjezz on Nov 16, 2013, 6:37:04 PM
Finish the Shadow's "Influence" circle, grab Inner Force. That's it, you have more than enough Mana Regen. I see one spare 10 STR node on the Shadow Area, why not retrain that into one of those?
By the way, you can get more life than you have at the same price if you got respec points left, at the templar area right next to you.

I think your gear isn't half-bad, by the way. Some of it is very nice, indeed, especially the wand/shield. Obviously, you need more mana regen on your gear (especially for AA and MoM), but the trade situation isn't nearly as dire as you say. I'd offer gear, but you're on Nemesis, and I'm not :)

Reason you're squishy is first of all the lack on Life Leech, and getting more mana regen would let you use that and spam EK in one fell swoop. Otherwise, your defensive stats are more than enough.

What Auras are you running? You're only supposed to run Grace/Hatred/Clarity, which with your build leaves a LOT of mana spare. You can add another if you don't use MoM or are in an easy area. Unless you wanna run Clarity on Life, your mana will be VERY low, otherwise.


Wait, you only have 6 Rarity, and no Quantity? No wonder you're batshit broke, man! You don't DO that, unless you're in a party with a Magic Finder.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Last edited by CantripN on Nov 17, 2013, 5:18:27 AM
Ah, I actually do run Projectile Weakness, I was moving gems around and had to run out the door when I finished that post. A level 5 Enfeeble/Proj weakness on a lvl 1 CwDT would be pretty good.

Thanks a ton for the feedback, you've been a huge help! :)

I am running with Determination, Grace, Clarity and Hatred. Also added Arctic Armour. Sometimes i switch Determination for Haste. i Actually need 4 Auras, its a huge difference if they are active or not.

Tried to get manaregen but currently arent any items on Poexplorer/PoE.xyz that would alow me to maintain my stat requierements, often missing strength. Its pretty hard to find an usable upgrade immho.

How much lifeleech is enough?

I also got some new Gear today, sadly its very hard to get IIR/IIQ on gear with good stats, that doubles the price of the items, atleast on nemesis. I used to have 120IIR+ Gem but cant use that anymore.

Updated Gear:


New stats after taking Inner Force:

(EK is now spammable without manaleech but requires Clarity to sustain)
And about Survivability, i run Lunaris to go to piety, and 1 tittybitch is enough to bring me into trouble. Add this and a bit of desync and im dangered to die.
Last edited by katjezz on Nov 17, 2013, 10:51:01 AM
Well, the reason I don't suggest running 4 Auras (or indeed, grabbing that many Aura nodes early) is it costs you in Life and/or MoM functionality. Think of it this way - if you hadn't taken the entire Templar Area, you'd have how much more Life? About 40%? 60%?

There's a reason I only retrained into it at level 82. But we'll work with what you got.

I'm glad mana regen is better now, and Life Leech should help a lot.
Now, you need a lot more Life.
Think of it this way, I have 3.5K Life + 800 Mana (MoM, instant regen) - That *feels* like about x2 or more than you have, and let's not forget the Lightning Coil. I'm not saying you have to use MoM, but you need more Life, or "Effective" Life, from somewhere. Either get even more Life on Gear (VERY hard, since you have decent Life on gear), or suck it up and level up where it's safer and grab Life Nodes (or retrain, but that's expensive, again). Every level from now on should be life, for quite a while, and it'll get safer every level.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Last edited by CantripN on Nov 17, 2013, 11:11:52 AM
If i would retrain, what would you say would be the best life nodes to grab and which talents should i remove?
katjezz wrote:
If i would retrain, what would you say would be the best life nodes to grab and which talents should i remove?

I'd remove the entire Templar Area until you have more Life if you don't want to die. Or, I'd turn off one Aura (Determination!) and get MoM. Effectively, more life. I'd get more Life nodes anywhere nearby, but it's gonna cost a fortune to retrain there and back later.

I should know, I spent about 30 Regrets on this char ;)
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Last edited by CantripN on Nov 17, 2013, 1:10:25 PM

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