The Sky Is Falling: A List.

Lists everything ever said and doesnt back any of it with reasons/proof.

Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!

Labyrinth salt farm miner.

"But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years.
Last edited by Tin_Foil_Hat on Feb 27, 2014, 5:57:37 PM
Tin_Foil_Hat wrote:
Lists everything ever said and doesnt back any of it with reasons/proof.


The forum knows what he did.

*dramatic pause*
Filthy bazaar-barons are fixing prices!
Filthy bazaar-barons are flipping!
Filthy bazaar-barons are botting/RMT-ing!
Filthy bazaar-barons are invading public WTS/WTB/WTF party maps!
Filthy bazaar-barons dont exist- they are in your head!
Last edited by Sig556 on Feb 27, 2014, 7:13:20 PM
After playing X hundred/thousand hours and getting bored there are really only 2 responses:

1: "well I guess I'm burned out from playing too much (might come back later or might not)."

2: "OMG I am bored now there must be something wrong here what could it be (mind thinks up one of the reasons on this list, attaches to it and makes it sound like the end of the world)."

Vaal pact nerf

Life leech

Bor nerf

Aegis aurora nerf

vaal orbs

Corrupted mods

Removal of iiq

atziri has not 1/2/3 but 4 boobs.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:

atziri has not 1/2/3 but 4 boobs.

As players of this game, we deserve at least SIX.
- Righteous Fire not being nerfed
- Iron Reflexes not being nerfed
- other people's builds in general not being nerfed
- Scion life wheel gone panic
- Marauder will suck
- Marauder will be OP
The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.
Thanks for this. I was getting really disappointed in the massive amounts of negativity coming from some of the playerbase.

Good to see that it's a small albeit loud and irritating group.
I wanted to make and read some posts in these forums lately, but for the most part I haven't, because the tear-rain is simply coming down too hard.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Mar 4, 2014, 4:09:52 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I wanted to make and read some posts in these forums lately, but for the most part I haven't, because the tear-rain is simply coming down too hard.

Give it a week. :D

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