Beta testers - categories

How about

SoftCore Free Gamer. Happy with any changes, can do all leagues hc and default just to have fun. Limited time but prepared to play the game for months to get to end game.
Not too concerned with perfect Builds, but happy to take advice!
Never met one like that. I bet he is a serial killer in real life. Or a closet casual husband.
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I have my own category: Wintery the buttface.
I'd say I'm the casual husband type but I'm neither married nor male.
Lovely name you have chosen. Maybe it is kind of a subcategory of the casual husbands.

Sure, you can log into another account to bash them, no problem here! And I won't tell.
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wiggin said :
Never met one like that. I bet he is a serial killer in real life. Or a closet casual husband.

Maybe it applies to woman only lol :)
@wiggin: Thank you for the excellent idea, but the problem with being a True True HC is that it means also being against multiple accounts. I'm also considering evolving into True True True HC, which'd mean refusing to use computer to play the game altogether because it makes completing the thing easier. Expect to see me less online from now.
This signals the end of a post. I apologise to everyone who had to suffer through it.
Fanatic fanboy is the funniest one lmfao. Hard to believe those are actual comments.
Believe it or not, a lot of the categories/comments are true.

I belong in the Casual Husband category. I'll praise things, provide comments on others, and criticize certain things.

I think a lot players in this category that really get into PoE and its level of complexity tend to be in the middle of casual and hardcore gamers. I certainly find myself siding with both parties at times on different issues. I also believe that it'll be this category of gamers that will provide the lifeblood of PoE, while the hardcore members make up the core of PoE.
For Ranger build tips, tactics, and critiques, visit this thread:
Last edited by Islidox on Oct 16, 2012, 4:30:47 PM
I don't really like stereotypes. PoE generally has a much better community (yes I know that's gonna change in Open Beta, but I'm speaking here in the present tense) than a lot of other games I've played, and the first thing that weakens a community is when people begin to form "cliques" and stop thinking of themselves as a whole.

The other reason I don't like these stereotypes is because for it to be accurate you need about a hundred or more types to begin with due to how different everyone's personalities are.

For instance, I strongly support many of the game design decisions in PoE, plus I absolutely love the art direction and overall style of the game.

HOWEVER!, I also really dislike some of the design decisions at the same time. (loot timers that are way too short, and party EXP mechanics that are great at preventing powerleveling, but somehow doesn't prevent exploitation by lvl 60 players who park level 1 alt accounts in their instances to "powergame", leaving the legit players in the dust)

I am a fanboy of GGG without a doubt, but that doesn't mean I defend them no matter what.

I am also what people like to label a "hardcore" gamer, yet I love to sit down sometimes and play Harvest Moon on Playstation 1, or Recetteer, both of which are about as cutesie and cartoony as you can get. I also dislike power-leveling and was one of those Diablo 2 players that got bored if my friends just rushed me through the content. I liked to go at my own pace, while still leveling at a decent speed.

So even though I'm a hardcore gamer, it doesn't mean I'm also a power-gamer or a min/maxer. In fact, I often choose the weakest classes/weapon types because I love having a bit of added challenge. It makes it even more satisfying when I manage to defy the traditional logic and succeed with unconventional builds.

So yeah.. stereotypes are often misleading as heck.
Last edited by Axebane on Oct 16, 2012, 5:59:26 PM
Axebane wrote:

So yeah.. stereotypes are often misleading as heck.

Stereotypes are like PoE classes. Most ppl stay in their own class area, but many also branch out and make a crazy build with stuff from the complete other side of the skill-web.

Edit to prevent double-post:

I think I fall into the strange category of "casual hardcore." I like the challenge of PoE hardcore, but I'm nowhere near skilled/dedicated enough to be among the 1% at the top of the ladder. I don't know enough about game mechanics to optimize my build, and have never seen end-game content, but I'm still content to butt my head against the challenge of hardcore. Still, I almost always side with HC people in arguments, and do kinda think of default as softcore.
Alteration Orb Union Local #7
"Holding the line, on sixteen to one!"
Last edited by VoxelSquid on Oct 16, 2012, 6:25:04 PM

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