Should I buy a lottery ticket?


Yes, might as well strike while the iron is hot!

You should, + it pretty cheap.
Timer: Tic-toc-tic-toc...
Grats TokyoJedi! I really hope this is the lucky thread :)

We are having a blast, I really like the Templar so far. Taking a break to eat and give some feedback on beta. Hubby started over as Ranger so we've been going through it together. There really isn't a whole lot I have found issues with so far...but we are only level 13 right now. Solid gameplay, I love the gem/skills/socketing.
ahh sounds like fun :'( What do you think about the toughness of monsters? is it harder then Diablo II? Because one thing i hated in Diablo II was the basic monsters where weak...
well as a mainly melee character I definitely make use of the potions, more so past level 12, but I do love their potion system...your pots (flasks) regenerate as you kill...I'd say the same difficulty so far, we will see once I get higher and on to harder difficulty levels. It is not easy, I know for ranged you have to do a bit a kiting which is comparable with Diablo. The last boss we killed was Brutus in the Prison and I had to run away for a couple seconds to let one of my health flasks regenerate while my partner (ranger) and summons kept him occupied. But saying that, it is not too hard either, pretty much a perfect balance thats lets you use your skills to defeat the boss. If it was too easy I would probably get bored and be done.
you and your boyfriend are so lucky=-.-
u are female lizard tamer? ???

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