Client.exe has stopped working. Crashed out of map, then crash whenever rejoin tp

As of today the game randomly crashes with the "client.exe stopped working" when changing areas.
Unhold wrote:
As of today the game randomly crashes with the "client.exe stopped working" when changing areas.

We've deployed a patch now that should fix the crashes you were getting!
Balance & Design
I'm still getting crashes. Running nosound and still having trouble when using waypoints to return to a zone with an open portal.
Okay, a new crash has appeared in place of the old one. We're looking into it now!
Balance & Design
The "the screen goes black, but then crashes with the minimap still showing instead of going to the loading screen when trying to change areas" one ?
My crashes cleared up by removing the '--no sound' command I had been running. Has been stable since then.

Thanks to Greybear1andonly for the heads up!
yooz1e wrote:
My Client have start crashing after latest patch, G, Ancient Pyramid and Dry Penninsula or whatever the maps called :) Crashed twice in the last 2h of playing. Im pretty sure it has nothing to do with the maps tough.

Ancient pyramid crashes way too often. I remmemember a crash where i just killed the vaal oversoul and clicked the "Cruel twilight strand" enterance.

Client.exe stopped working

damn i was pissed because the waterfall cave level 2 resetted instance, but luckily i managed to save the pyramid instance.

Then i ran up to enter cruel twilight strand again.

What happend?

It crashed again...

3rd time i managed to enter though...
In the "i" patch this problem was fixed for me. But at the new one i start to have crashes again :(

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