0.9.12 - Arrows will now be real projectiles

Wand totems would be ok, realistically. But bow totem is silly.

Great changes overall, I've waited for this for very long, I wasn't expecting the missing arrow continuing to be implemented at the same time. But it makes sense, this is a nice bonus :D
Build of the week #2 : http://tinyurl.com/ce75gf4
Absolutely Charan - I'm really disappointed that totem will now effectively be wielding a weapon.

Does this mean that we'll also be able to put "Power syphon" onto totems as well? or frenzy - lololol

No bad move guys - stick to the spells only rule.
I'm BACK :)
I'd argue that bow totems are not silly, but I think it is far more effective appealing to the awesomeness of bow totems. :P
Yeah, I hope they don't go through with the bow totem, just makes no sense.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Covert wrote:
Does this mean I can 'shotgun' with arrows the same as I can with projectile spells?
No. there was discussion of this, but for balance reasons and to help make attacks more distinguished from spells, multiple wand projectiles or arrows from the same attack cannot "shotgun" the same target, but most spells can.
I assume this means that if I shotgun something with lesser multiple projectiles and lightning arrow 2 of the arrows will pass through that shotgunned target.

It's annoying as is and this would be an improvement but they aren't real projectiles if you can't shotgun. :/
How Fusings Work: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/38585/page/3#p1451934

IGN: TheHammer
Last edited by TehHammer on Aug 24, 2012, 8:27:49 AM
Omg that's great !

Now I can make my Arrow Totem build !
Great news, great update. Hoping to see more previews soon :)
I agree, bow totems seem ridiculous. Why not have a separate "Turret" support gem instead? This way it would be easier to balance, as well as make more sense.
Bow totems aren't silly at all. At least not when they're sitting next to totems that launch fireballs, ball lightning, and manifest undead skeletons out of thin air.

Fictional inanimate objects firing arrows isn't without precedent. Think raiders of the lost ark, although I suppose that falls more under the "trap" side of things.
Last edited by Malice on Aug 24, 2012, 10:14:45 AM
I agree, bow totems seem ridiculous. Why not have a separate "Turret" support gem instead? This way it would be easier to balance, as well as make more sense.

or we can make the totem visually different depending on what skill it is attached to. say the one we have now is for spells, a mini ballista tower thing for arrow skills. just a thought
twitter: LeonoftheChan

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