[1.2.0] Ice Pierce Crit Ranger

Can I skip using auras? I find that the mana cost is simply too high and I don't have a mana gem.
Sure you can skip auras, it's less DPS, but build hardly lacks for DPS anyway. (Though would suggest buying an RM gem, it is very cheap.)
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
Hello, following your build atm I was considering buying a Devoto's Devotion helmet, seems pretty good ? Cany o confirm it ? :D already got a 5L Lioneye so no worry about the weapon, gonna buy a 5l Carcass Jack for the chest and we'll see for the rest.

I do have another question tho, why do you not take more power charge on the build, to you have anoug crit with only 3 ?
pxf31 wrote:
Can I skip using auras? I find that the mana cost is simply too high and I don't have a mana gem.

I leveled using a low level clarity. Didn't need a damage boost until merciless, but I also used a lvl 31 bow, death's harp until lvl 68. If you upgraded to a nice bow earlier on you likely could get away without a damage aura.
pxf31 wrote:
Can I skip using auras? I find that the mana cost is simply too high and I don't have a mana gem.

I leveled using a low level clarity. Didn't need a damage boost until merciless, but I also used a lvl 31 bow, death's harp until lvl 68. If you upgraded to a nice bow earlier on you likely could get away without a damage aura.

Thanks! What kind of damage boost did you undertake for merciless?

And also, what do you think about the passive node, "Iron Reflexes"? Is it necessary to be able to survive endgame content?
Last edited by pxf31 on Nov 26, 2013, 12:14:27 PM
Hi, Kirielis (and others). Thanks for the build. This is my first PoE char and I'm enjoying the build. I'm leaning toward the "dex monkey" variant, with acro/phase acro instead of crit, Burning Arrow over Frenzy (although I'm leveling a Frenzy on the side), no Blood Magic passive (will seek to get it as a gem eventually).

At level 27, mana is a bit of a problem if I use Ice Shot, so I'm usually using Split Arrow. I have (and am leveling) a Hatred, but I have *way* too little mana to use it. I have a WED gem (linked to B. Arrow) but I'm running into the STR req.

So my question(s):
- Should I continue to plug away at my build using Split Arrow primarily, until I get a Reduced Mana gem or find some other way to address mana issues, like get a decent bow? Or could I put a few passive points into, say, Primal Spirit (and the req. 8% mana node) and/or Charisma (with associated aura and INT nodes)? In other words, will I regret those choices later (and respec them)?
- Related to this, I found a Raise Zombie gem early and a Minion Resistance support, so I have a need for INT as well. I really like the meat shields.
- Another possibility is to side with Alira (mana) instead of Oak (life). [I just killed Kraityn]. I forego some survivability, but I've gained some by de-emphasizing crit and, well, my play-style is pretty cautious (haven't died yet).
- In getting Aspect of the Eagle, do you recommend two 15% bow damage nodes, or two 6%dmg/2%atkspeed nodes? I was thinking the damage nodes.
- I'm solo only, and am not planning on entering the world of trading (huge learning curve, and don't want to get ripped off). In other words, I can't just "obtain" a certain weapon or gem at will. Never even seen a unique. So factor that in if necessary.
- For "Intruders in Black" reward, would you have suggested LMP or Pierce? I already made my choice, but just curious.

Thanks for reading!
pxf31 wrote:
pxf31 wrote:
Can I skip using auras? I find that the mana cost is simply too high and I don't have a mana gem.

I leveled using a low level clarity. Didn't need a damage boost until merciless, but I also used a lvl 31 bow, death's harp until lvl 68. If you upgraded to a nice bow earlier on you likely could get away without a damage aura.

Thanks! What kind of damage boost did you undertake for merciless?

And also, what do you think about the passive node, "Iron Reflexes"? Is it necessary to be able to survive endgame content?

I started using hatred, and took more crit nodes, but damage was still low till i got a different bow.

I don't like iron reflexes, I much prefer evasion with ondar's guile, makes it so you don't have to worry about reflect. I also have acrobatics and phase acrobatics on this character, which you wouldn't want to do with iron reflexes.
trentjaspar wrote:
Hi, Kirielis (and others). Thanks for the build. This is my first PoE char and I'm enjoying the build. I'm leaning toward the "dex monkey" variant, with acro/phase acro instead of crit, Burning Arrow over Frenzy (although I'm leveling a Frenzy on the side), no Blood Magic passive (will seek to get it as a gem eventually).

At level 27, mana is a bit of a problem if I use Ice Shot, so I'm usually using Split Arrow. I have (and am leveling) a Hatred, but I have *way* too little mana to use it. I have a WED gem (linked to B. Arrow) but I'm running into the STR req.

So my question(s):
- Should I continue to plug away at my build using Split Arrow primarily, until I get a Reduced Mana gem or find some other way to address mana issues, like get a decent bow? Or could I put a few passive points into, say, Primal Spirit (and the req. 8% mana node) and/or Charisma (with associated aura and INT nodes)? In other words, will I regret those choices later (and respec them)?
- Related to this, I found a Raise Zombie gem early and a Minion Resistance support, so I have a need for INT as well. I really like the meat shields.
- Another possibility is to side with Alira (mana) instead of Oak (life). [I just killed Kraityn]. I forego some survivability, but I've gained some by de-emphasizing crit and, well, my play-style is pretty cautious (haven't died yet).
- In getting Aspect of the Eagle, do you recommend two 15% bow damage nodes, or two 6%dmg/2%atkspeed nodes? I was thinking the damage nodes.
- I'm solo only, and am not planning on entering the world of trading (huge learning curve, and don't want to get ripped off). In other words, I can't just "obtain" a certain weapon or gem at will. Never even seen a unique. So factor that in if necessary.
- For "Intruders in Black" reward, would you have suggested LMP or Pierce? I already made my choice, but just curious.

Thanks for reading!

Use a low level clarity aura if needed, add some mana regen from gear and passives if you want, I used split arrow till lvl 31. If you take those nodes out later when you don't need them that is fine, if it helps things be more smooth as you level it will be worth it.

Don't side with alira in normal, that mana won't help much when auras reserve a percent, life is a superior reward.
Use a low level clarity aura if needed, add some mana regen from gear and passives if you want, I used split arrow till lvl 31. If you take those nodes out later when you don't need them that is fine, if it helps things be more smooth as you level it will be worth it.

Don't side with alira in normal, that mana won't help much when auras reserve a percent, life is a superior reward.

Thanks, SEOINAGE. I'll stick with Oak. I think Kirielis said that mana regen items don't work for Ice Shot, but maybe I'll take some of those other mana/int nodes. I'll be on the lookout for a clarity gem drop or quest reward until I get mana under control, then switch to Hatred when I can 'afford' it.
Hello, following your build atm I was considering buying a Devoto's Devotion helmet, seems pretty good ? Cany o confirm it ? :D already got a 5L Lioneye so no worry about the weapon, gonna buy a 5l Carcass Jack for the chest and we'll see for the rest.

I do have another question tho, why do you not take more power charge on the build, to you have anoug crit with only 3 ?

Devoto's Devotion is good, yes. As for power charges - you pass right next to one, so 4, and I recommend helping Alira for one more, so 5. Only once you're able to run PCoC though.

- could I put a few passive points into, say, Primal Spirit (and the req. 8% mana node) and/or Charisma (with associated aura and INT nodes)? In other words, will I regret those choices later (and respec them)?

Unlikely to regret your choice, though it may not be the absolute most efficient either.

- In getting Aspect of the Eagle, do you recommend two 15% bow damage nodes, or two 6%dmg/2%atkspeed nodes? I was thinking the damage nodes.

Personal preference.

- For "Intruders in Black" reward, would you have suggested LMP or Pierce? I already made my choice, but just curious.

Which one's that? If you had LMP already, then get Pierce, otherwise get LMP.

I think Kirielis said that mana regen items don't work for Ice Shot, but maybe I'll take some of those other mana/int nodes.

It's really hard to regen 300-400 mana regen per second, which is what my IS was costing me at the end. Mana leech (or BM/LL) is definitely necessary, and even then EB would be a lot easier to work with than my chosen route of Thief's Torment.
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
Last edited by Kirielis on Nov 26, 2013, 9:02:47 PM

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