Throw (melee weapons become projectiles instead of unnecessary additional weapon types)

Hmmm I'd rather them not have to reuse effects, but i suppose if they need to it's better than not making the skill at all.

Searing Bond with Flicker Strike sounds pretty cool. Good luck with that. :p
same name in-game
So throwing a mace sounds strange?
What is boomerang, and bolas?

Am totally into this idea.
Vote for you :D
Looks like your wish came true. :D
IGN: Scordalia_
Let this be a lesson to all, that if GGG likes your ideas they won't be afraid to put em in the game.
Hahaha woot! I'm glad at least this one made it in. :)
same name in-game
iao wrote:
With dual wielding, it would likely be that you alternate weapons, so a specific modifier really isn't necessary since it's just like with only one one-handed melee weapon, just a little faster because of the dual wielding bonus.
'Alternate weapons' is just different way of saying 'disabled for dual wield'.So far everything other than cleave and dual strike is just that.
ign LerielF
Grats :)
Sweeping Maid
Ha ha nice :D!
Thanks you two. :D

Leriel wrote:
iao wrote:
With dual wielding, it would likely be that you alternate weapons, so a specific modifier really isn't necessary since it's just like with only one one-handed melee weapon, just a little faster because of the dual wielding bonus.
'Alternate weapons' is just different way of saying 'disabled for dual wield'.So far everything other than cleave and dual strike is just that.

I just made a thread suggesting a support geared to solve that issue. Check it out and let me know what you think.
same name in-game

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