[1.1] Davos Seaworth's Elemental Split Arrow Build - Solo every map with ease!

My route: 108 points

264 str
230 dex
114 int
224 max life
53 evasion
88% increased evasion rating
220% increased maximum life
6 to all resists
23 increased evasion and armor
2 to max resists
2% life regen per second
38% increased attack speed
64% increased elemental damage with weapons
6% increased attack speed with bows
75% increased projectile damage
20% increased projectile speed
60% chance to avoid being stunned

Your suggested route through the bottom/US: 108 points

254 str
240 dex
114 int
219 max life
53 evasion rating
90% increased evasion rating
210% increaxed maximum life
12 to all resists
2.5% life regen per sec
32% increased evasion and armor rating
50% increased armor
53% increased attack speed
75% increased projectile damage
20% increased projectile speed
64% increased elemental damage with weapons
6% increased attack speed with bows
12% increased physical damage with bows
cannot be stunned

When looking at the numbers it does seem slightly better - I only trade 10% max life for more armor and tiny bit more evasion. Along with not being able to be stunned and a good chunk of attack speed - 6 more resists to all and .5% more life regen.

Thanks for the input, i'll respec and try it out.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Last edited by Edzilla on Aug 18, 2013, 5:20:32 PM
Just a minor change, no point taking the 2 dex nodes between IR and the three 8% ele nodes, just take the 1 dex node to the left of thick skin to get there
Godmatik wrote:
Just a minor change, no point taking the 2 dex nodes between IR and the three 8% ele nodes, just take the 1 dex node to the left of thick skin to get there

Ah yes, thanks - but I do eventually plan on taking the movement speed node right there - after I get everything else I need. Mainly because I eventually want to be able to use Lioneyes Glare+Wake of Destruction+Thunderfists for maximum shock stacking and damage. Wake provides zero movement speed and i will need the movement speed. This will be in my early 90's, but i do like to plan way ahead :)
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Last edited by Edzilla on Aug 18, 2013, 5:43:15 PM
Well, I finally bought a real bow and it upped my DPS by 3.5X. I had been using this
and I found someone in trade chat that sold me this for 13 GCP + 19 Chaos (all the GCP and chaos I had).

Hopefully that was a fair price (it was 2S with no links). In any case, in what I consider my first stroke of luck playing this game, I got 6S in 5 or 6 jewellers and I got the 5L in 5 fusings.

Has anyone played with Fending/the other two knockback passives on the left side of the tree? They seem like they would either be hilariously good or bad with a split arrow/chain build.
Velspawn wrote:
I am currently using this build and everything is going quite well. My only issue is deciding which offensive curse is most beneficial. Im torn between elemental weakness and projectile weakness. The added benefit of the knockback for keeping mobs at range is very nice. Just not sure how much the damage increase from projectile weakness with the pierce mod would affect this type of elemental build versus elemental weakness.

Lol just read one of the above posts. Guess I will stick to elemental weakness;)

That is a really nice bow man. Congrats! As for the price, it seems a bit steep though I play in standard where the economy is different. In standard exalt:gcp is 1:12 and 1:35 for chaos. Although it does have an attack speed mod and the lightning and cold damage are both superb. That bow should be plenty good enough to handle the highest level of maps, as long as you have dps stats on your other pieces of gear (jewelry, belt, quiver, gloves). Having WED and flat elemental damage on those pieces is just as important as having a good thicket bow.

I have a friend who uses my build and uses fending passive. He seems to like it, but I never felt the need to use it myself. With enough attack speed you could probably keep bosses permanently knocked back with Frenzy. You know, I think I may try it myself! It's only 3 points, so give it a try if you're curious :)
IGN: EmpathicAmoeba
why are u not going into marauder tree ?

Better get these points to enter maura tree for more resists, crit reduction, hp regen + hp. It will be much tankier.

Going through the marauder tree would cost 13 points (16 if you take the 3 armor nodes), while I only spend 4 points on Inner Force. Where are the other 9 points going to come from? I feel that the marauder tree is overrated in any case. Starting from Elemental Adaption, it takes 16 points to get what people go there to get. And for those 16 points, I would get +12% resists, +30% life, +1.9% life regen, -30% critical strike damage taken, +45 life, 2% movement speed and 43% increased armor.

+12% resists - Don't need them
+30% life - For the amount of points you need to spend, 30% is not a very large number. I would have to drop more than 30% worth of life nodes to be able to go through the Marauder tree in the first place, which sort of defeats the purpose.
+1.9% life regen - Don't need it. 1.5% is plenty. There is a reason I don't have the 1% life regen node in the Templar tree. With Split Arrow + Chain + Life Gain on Hit, one shot gives me up to 972 life, and I attack almost 4 times per second, which means if I'm at 1% life, I can be back up to 100% in barely over a second.
-30% critical strike damage taken - This is the only reason I've even considered going into the Marauder tree. It would be nice, but it's not necessary by any means.
+45 life - Again, not enough to justify the points spent.
+2% movement speed - I already 28% faster than the base movement speed; any faster and I might get dizzy.
43% increased armor - If you need armor that bad, you can get +50% for 3 points right above Unwavering Stance.
Master 8: All
CyclERa 93 TS/Puncture, CyclEWS 89 LL-ST
thread /463641 GMT+8

That is a really nice bow man. Congrats! As for the price, it seems a bit steep though I play in standard where the economy is different. In standard exalt:gcp is 1:12 and 1:35 for chaos. Although it does have an attack speed mod and the lightning and cold damage are both superb. That bow should be plenty good enough to handle the highest level of maps, as long as you have dps stats on your other pieces of gear (jewelry, belt, quiver, gloves). Having WED and flat elemental damage on those pieces is just as important as having a good thicket bow.

I have a friend who uses my build and uses fending passive. He seems to like it, but I never felt the need to use it myself. With enough attack speed you could probably keep bosses permanently knocked back with Frenzy. You know, I think I may try it myself! It's only 3 points, so give it a try if you're curious :)

Yeah, I think I'll give it a try. The rest of my gear is self found, but I don't think it's too bad:


I'm not capped on resists, so I know I need some work (Although I started clearing lun3 at 67 when I got the new bow). I'd like to replace that belt for sure.
Your gear is looking pretty decent Andaval. I would be surprised if your Split Arrow dps isn't up to at least 2400 if you're using quality gems, which is a pretty high number. It's important to get those resistances up though. Try to keep those gloves for a while if you can. The mix of ele damage, attack speed and life is really nice. See if you can get your resistances up to 77% on your other pieces. But having capped resists is still literally the most important thing for just about any build. I like that helmet you have too. Where are you getting your intelligence from? I don't see any on your gear. Are you using a couple of those +30 nodes?

By the way, since you're using a 4L for Frenzy, have you tested ALD vs WED gems? I can't imagine ALD providing more dps.
IGN: EmpathicAmoeba
Your gear is looking pretty decent Andaval. I would be surprised if your Split Arrow dps isn't up to at least 2400 if you're using quality gems, which is a pretty high number. It's important to get those resistances up though. Try to keep those gloves for a while if you can. The mix of ele damage, attack speed and life is really nice. See if you can get your resistances up to 77% on your other pieces. But having capped resists is still literally the most important thing for just about any build. I like that helmet you have too. Where are you getting your intelligence from? I don't see any on your gear. Are you using a couple of those +30 nodes?

By the way, since you're using a 4L for Frenzy, have you tested ALD vs WED gems? I can't imagine ALD providing more dps.

My SA dps is at 2.2k (no frenzy charges), but I'm pretty close to the second set of WED nodes in the passive tree and my gems aren't very leveled up, so I expect that to take some jumps soon. You're right about the WED support, but there are two things stopping that right now: I only have one WED gem, and I actually am about to switch over to a new skill setup. I'll be using the same SA 5L, and 2 4Ls: Frenzy--Culling Strike--IIQ--IIR for finishes and to top off frenzy charges (and my gloves are chromed for this), and then Ele Hit--Faster Attacks--WED--Life Leech--(Lightning Damage--Cold Damage) for single target DPS, which I think should up my single target DPS with no real downside. I was really happy to loot those gloves, I found them with this character, everything else was in my stash from my other guy.

Oh, I am still using the +30 int node between the duelist and ranger starts. Anarchy is about 13 GCP or ~45 chaos to 1 ex, but it is actually hard to trade GCP away right now. so the bow was probably about 1.4 ex to me, with the bonus of he took GCP.

So my next order of business is upgrading my belt and maxing my resists at the same time (I'm not that far from capped) and getting another WED gem. :)

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