What am I doing wrong?

As soon as I get a Marohi Erqui, ground slam it is!

Hey man.

Looking at your passive tree I note that you do in fact, have quite a few wasted points. But I can't see that as being game breaking. With the little bit of info you gave us, I suggest using life gain on hit gem in your aoe instead of life leech since the heal is instant, and life leech on your 1v1 attack.

In addition to that, I HIGHLY recommend you revamp your passive tree. If I were you, THIS is what I would go with, adding grace to your auras as well.

With additional information such as all your defensive stats, and exactly what is killing you, we could prob help a lot more, but for now I think the biggest help for you will be to use life gain on hit for your aoe. Good luck!
The views and expressed opinions of Dragon are solely those of a drunken redneck and are not necessarily those of a sane person. Any likeness of intelligence is strictly coincidental and should not be taken seriously. His posts should not be read... by anyone.
Last edited by Dragon585 on May 30, 2013, 9:50:19 PM
Yours does use fewer points, but I'd have to reroll entirely to match it. Plus, and you have a couple of nodes that don't really give any benefit (mana node with blood magic, accuracy node with RT), which doesn't sit well with me...
What I'm doing, is sitting pat until the 0.11.0 patch comes out. It's supposed to buff some melee, so I'm waiting to see exactly if that's true and what it does before I respec anything.

IGN: Bahnzo <--- that should find me.
PoE Item Info Script: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1463814
He can't ground slam since his 2h is an axe.

Like above poster said, I also shelved 2 melee characters until next patch. Desync wtfpwns us. Groundslam spam helps w/ desync, you dont feel the effects as much and you can still hit mobs if you desync. And in the end, we die in about 5 hits with 4k'ish hitpoints assuming mobs don't crit, 3 second desync <-which is nothing in this game, gets you killed.

Unfortunately I found myself converting my physical dmg melee splash marauder into a boring ground slam spammer as well, and it was boring to play.

I had found an axe with 463 dps, was great..1 shotting white mobs..but I couldnt ground slam spam anymore, and desynced literally every single time I went in melee from map zones lvl 65 to 66, died everytime.

I had to dump the axe for much lower dps maul, but at least I could survive by spamming decoy every 3 seconds while ground slamming.

My 2 cents.
Last edited by oreo1981 on May 31, 2013, 8:02:02 AM

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