Unable to map file error

Hello i've made a post a few days ago now i have the info u need: ERROR TIME: 13:50 (gmt+2) 02.07.2012 (german time) Europe srv and a print
Proud to have a beta key.
Proud of the GGG staff.
No errors were found when i did the (PackCheck Content.ggpk)
Proud to have a beta key.
Proud of the GGG staff.
its common error nothing can be done to fix it atm just got to wait see if they patch it and to me this error is differnce between this game getting 5 stars out of 10 or 10 out of10 for me
since it looks like they already know about it not sure if this helps any but wanted to post what i know anyway. i've had the same problem where the client just freezes completely. have to alt+tab out and close it. pops up a window saying map file error. doesn't happen often, been able to play for hours at a time without it triggering, and when it does there doesn't seem to be any kind of common cause. hope it gets patched soon, freakin love to play this game but seeing the screen freeze just makes me want to throw the mouse at the monitor.
this basically took over for the E_outofmemory error. because the last 9.9 had out of memorys. then this patch its unable to map file. kinda depressing to me when im in ruthless and i enter the left side of the forest for anything and i get it loading an instance
I was unaware so many people were getting this error now - I'll talk to the others and work out what causes it, and if something can be done to prevent it.
Balance & Design
It happens when changing locations.
adding " -gc 2" to shortcut helped, but still happens sometimes.
Europe gateway (if that is relevant)

Thanks to " -gc 2" "RUN_OUT_OF_MEMORY error" occures no more.
"Unable to map file error" is now rare. About once per 5 hours of client working session.
Last edited by erenhardt on Jul 5, 2012, 2:06:20 PM
If you're frequently getting a "E_OUTOFMEMORY" error when changing areas, you can put -gc 2 at the end of your Path of Exile shortcut (Open the shortcut properties, and add a { -gc 2} after the last quotation mark). If this still doesn't help, try -gc 1. Doing this will increase load times between areas you have visited, and similar areas. u see even though they said this where do u put it >> after what quotation mark >> picture says a thousands words
also experiencing this especially when entering mud flats. im aware that GGG is working on this and hopefully this could be resolve soon. thanks.

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