Content Update 3.24.0 -- Path of Exile: Necropolis

timousse56 wrote:
Fixed a bug where Stygian Spires were affected by "Monsters fire additional Projectiles" modifiers.

frankly you think that we will believe you for this bug you take us for idiots.

Angry, meta abuser? Haha

no, of course not, but 1 bug xd, we're not idiots
Kerberosz wrote:

Ascendancies: Fix Shadow, Gladiator, Raider, Saboteur, and Assassin. These classes aren't used for a reason.... because they aren't powerful enough.

Please someone explain to me how shadow is an ascendancy class, im new to the game and dont understand why poe ninja has a category for this. im not trying to insult the quoted guy, i just thought shadow is a starting class and not an ascendancy.

It is a base class, poe ninja just shows the top characters and it's possible for some of those characters to not be ascended. It's not commonplace, especially this late in the league, but it's possible. There are currently only three shadows listed on poe ninja, and no other base classes are shown, and that's with a current listing of the top ~97k characters.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
"Rare Monster item bonus mechanics are now rarer, and the following item bonus mechanics have been removed: Items dropped are converted to Gems, Items dropped are converted to Scarabs, Items dropped have all White Sockets, Items dropped are Duplicated, Slain Rare monster gives increased Experience, and Slain Rare monster gives increased Gem Experience."

So with these being removed, what rare monster mechanics that are beneficial are left? Dropped items are converted to currency based on rarity and Dropped items are converted to divination cards only?
Please let us bind instant skills to left click i literally have no other hotkey to put my berserk on :)
Just posting my first comment since i bought something that says forum title i imagine thats here
DestrMeow wrote:
"Rare Monster item bonus mechanics are now rarer, and the following item bonus mechanics have been removed: Items dropped are converted to Gems, Items dropped are converted to Scarabs, Items dropped have all White Sockets, Items dropped are Duplicated, Slain Rare monster gives increased Experience, and Slain Rare monster gives increased Gem Experience."

So with these being removed, what rare monster mechanics that are beneficial are left? Dropped items are converted to currency based on rarity and Dropped items are converted to divination cards only?

"Dropped Items have increased Quality" still exists (unless they just forgot it in the patch notes), as well as "Items dropped have maximum sockets" and "Items dropped are fully linked".

There might be a few I'm forgetting as well.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot Fractured items. That one is super important.

There's some other weird ones that still exist too, like "converted to armour" and whatnot.
Last edited by QQPQ on Mar 23, 2024, 6:35:12 PM
This seems like a HUGE new league. Looking forwards to it, and to T17.
The more I look at this more sad it is to me.
I'm tired of begging for obvious things "please GGG glatiator is the most iconic ascendancy for me, give him some love." "Please, i'm tired of tired of whispering 30 people to buy something, can we at least trade without having to go to someones HO?" "Please, do things that save us some clicks, with things like chance orbs, fusings, trade inventory and so on."
So you give us just a tip of things we're asking for years and just ignore the rest.
I used to love 3.13 because we could play anything we really liked and make it work decently without needing to farm the game like a job. Now either we play the you devs want us to play (with op meta stuff) or we just play a different game. How about the way I like to play the game? Skills I consider fun and enjoyable?
You just cripple our way of having fun with a lot of nerfs and give what in exchange? "Now you have this cool tools to farm your itens, its fine if you guys farm this and this for 5 hundred hours. You wont even feel nerfs"
Come on GGG... overnerfing good stuff and not even buffing dozens of skills gems that no one even remeber that exists.

I have played this game for thousands and thousands of hours in the last 6 years i'm calling it. I'm done with this game. Its sad because its the best ARPG in the market by far. But now I know how it is when devs hear what we think and value what we enjoy.
I'm unninstaling. Sadly
QQPQ wrote:
AlekzZz84 wrote:
"Scrolls of Wisdom can now be used on items that are Corrupted. As a result of this, most items that previously dropped identified now drop unidentified."
I would highly recommend not to do this, cause all corrupted items will be simply filtered out...

For rare items... sure. Although this may be a buff for Chaos Recipe? I don't actually remember if it works with corrupted items.

The biggest difference for this change is always corrupted uniques. We'll get those "WOW!" moments when someone IDs a 1-passive Voices or whatever.

It's presumably a mostly thematic change, rather than being desired for gameplay reasons.

you say it like corrupted rares are useless, I got 40 div corrupted quiver this league, had to go for a mirror quiver for it to be a meaningful upgrade, I like corrupted rares
3.23 is the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
Could you clarify the wording of mana cost for new archmage ?

Is the 10% of mana is added to base mana cost (then increased and reduce are applied to this cost) or this cost is added at the end, without a way to reduce/increase it ?

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