Automation Gem skill in 3.24

I am curious as to why this gem isn't integrated into the other skills it was designed for. Shouldn't players have the option to toggle an automatic casting feature on or off?
Last bumped on Mar 30, 2024, 5:02:09 AM
I makes you take up a gem slot. Probably why what you're looking for will not happen any time soon.
If GGG would add it to normal skills it would be support skill with 80% less damage and 500% mana multiplier on it.
SigmaPath wrote:
Shouldn't players have the option to toggle an automatic casting feature on or off?
Not really, why? We don't just integrate other support gems into the skills they're designed for. Should Fireball just have the option to toggle on +4 projectiles?

Support gems are the toggle for altered functionality.
na, its just one of those gem nobody will ever use, like second wind after the complete destruction of it.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
tsunamikun wrote:
na, its just one of those gem nobody will ever use, like second wind after the complete destruction of it.

GGG just loves to add useless bloat to the game. Lets add another 100 gems in which 80 of them have numbers so bad noone will ever touc hthem.
Maybe having the "gem" as a bench craft would be slightly less anal
Yeah, I totally don't uderstand why they can't just make autocasting of CD instant skills as an option in UI. Similar to an option of casting skills from where you're standing they already have.

I mean, recasting CD skills manually is not a skill-based gameplay and it's not fun. If you require a certain skill to be casted off CD by your build - you WILL do it if you want to play in an optimal way. Giving a gem socket for a QoL is not really an option for a seasoned player - noone is willing to sacrifice build power for that.

So I just don't understand what is the purpose of this gem. To make people choose between QoL and efficiency? Why do this when you can have both and save us from carpal tunnel syndrome in the process?
Because gem adds extra mana cost and makes cooldown longer. They had to add "nerf" if you want to automate. Nothing is free in this game.
Exactly. They are giving us a QoL with a gameplay downside. Why? What's the logic behind this design decision? What is their goal here?

By adding this "option" they're not making gameplay any deeper or more interesting.
Why not add more similar "options" to the game then? Like, take away sound options from the menu, make sound level permanently 200% loud and add a support gem to tune the sound level to a previous comfortable 100%? Or make the game grayscale by default and to make it in color again you should be wearing a special item sacrificing your head gear slot. Or make it so every second mouse click won't register so you'll have to click twice as more to get the same result and then give us an "option" to fix it by chugging a special potion like every 5 seconds?

To me these analogies are as absurd as what they did with the new automation "option" (which is not actually an option for most players).
Last edited by Tensair on Mar 27, 2024, 4:52:22 AM

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