One thing i noticed while watching PoE gameplay

Revelos wrote:
TBH I found the mechanics here really good. Thumping a monster and having them crumple is a lot more immersive (in my view) than having them fly backwards in a torrent of ruptured organs and gibbs. Suits the feel of the game more in my view.

Sure, crit for 12k dammage with a 2 handed weapon with a skill like heavy strike or whatever and they just fall to the ground slowly. Not fitting imo,we need skulls to be craking half cuts bodies to fly away leaving a trail of blood and heads rolling. I think it fits path of exile context. I expect it even.
Last edited by lemor0 on May 31, 2012, 9:41:28 AM
I hope one day there will be "tiers" of death animations.

Basic Attacks - a simple "fall down and die" animation
Critical hits - more dramatic blood spray and some knockback
Special moves - When someone lands a killing blow on a chunky move like "Heavy Strike" then I would expect a different death animation than the basic attack
Ice/Fire/Lightning - these animations more or less already exist, but could be improved

And each kind of death should have multiple animations so that not every enemy in the crowd will all die at once in exactly the same way.

But that's just my wish. Who knows how possible it is.

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