[3.25]juju's CI CoC'k Ice Nova Build ||| CI / GB / Max Block ||| GOD TIER BUILD!!!

Shanwerd wrote:
I am curious about the helm crafting method:

My understanding is you spam horror essences try to hit 1-2 more suffix then metacraft reroll with veiled orb? is there something better?

Craft until have 3suffixes we need. After that i did just harvest keep suffix and got lucky and hit conc and won with aisling too :P To be honest i am not sure what is besy way to do prefixes.

fast explained how to craft helm. You can use orb of dominance too as annul if want gamble etc depending what you hit

1. spam essense until hit hypo and have open suffix
2. suffixes cannot be changed reforge crit (50/50 if hit attack or spell)
3. once you have 3 suffixes it cant brick
4. ??? and aisling 50/50
Last edited by juju666 on Jun 21, 2022, 1:40:19 PM
Which pantheon do you recomend?

abberath or ralakesh

I did run abberath for like 99% of league and had bleed immune flask before mageblood. Now with mageblood i think ralakesh is better option since we move so fast with mageblood :D

Have to test how annoying juiced burning ground maps are :P
Okay i have finished min/maxing this version. If i had money for 100global rare chest and enlighten 5 would change soemthing for sure. Going to write more later when have time. All content done ez. Godly build for 100% delifarming/mapping/simus etc
Can i use headhunter for the Non Mage version ?
IvTzaRI wrote:
Can i use headhunter for the Non Mage version ?

yes if u its not too annoying with that teleport thing. Have not personally tested it in 3.18 but in previous patches HH is great. Sometimes u get too much attack speed = lower DPS but to be honest u cant really notice in maps :P
I am running the build and not understanding some stuff, is it ''normal'' or expected that eventually you stop cycloning because of mana issues? They are really short, like micro stops, but even Witch says her quote about being out of mana sometimes, I dont know if those ''micro stuttering'' are block + mana issues related or just mana issues related, im probably messing something up

edit: just got the 25% mana flask and 0 mana problems

question: onslaught on boot is a good option in your opinion? Could make room to diferent flask evasion/ele resist flask

Last edited by VacaFazOiinc10 on Jun 29, 2022, 3:48:18 PM
question: onslaught on boot is a good option in your opinion? Could make room to diferent flask evasion/ele resist flask

For sure would work great when mapping. Not so great when just bossing ^^
What's the real dps output of this build?
Is it 16 million or more?
Is there any way i can convert my ll assasin to this build?

im finding im stuck with upgrading etc.


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