[3.25]juju's CI CoC'k Ice Nova Build ||| CI / GB / Max Block ||| GOD TIER BUILD!!!

Ice Nova of Frostbolts??
Last edited by ABedroomGangsta on Dec 5, 2023, 6:42:48 PM
Ice Nova of Frostbolts??

Yeah this build could be even more insane for 3.23 Want to see if we get instant/frostbolt vortex gem. Even with no vortex i think this could be one of the best char to run ultimatums in map. Second char thing for sure now ^^ Maybe i start buildint this for second week or so have to see :D Intresting times for sure
I really hope you update this guide when all the new stuff and info get's released. I played CoC ice nova during the ultimatum league and it was a blast.

I'm gonna start out SRS Guardian and make a second character (hopefully CoC Ice Nova) to play out the rest of the league.
Only thing that really makes me worry is the Ashes nerf. Mana was already so tight without tattoos. Maybe some charms will have mana res efficiency on them.
any update ?
Bastiche38 wrote:
any update ?

no but it works with new gems and the basic items for sure :D
i got the feeling that icenova of deepfreeze could be insane dmg
hmm going to try build it again and see
juju666 wrote:
hmm going to try build it again and see

Been playing kinda scuffed version (with mageblood) and no melding setup yet and im farming juiced 8mod maps decently well so yeah build is in a good place still. Have to farm more so can make real upgrades. I have a feeling i can level 95-100 easily in juiced content when i have max resist setup etc :P

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