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But at least i am really not sure when the thread title has "bug" in it and the content seem like bug, some paid employee just move the thread from tech support / help forum to gameplay help.....and then del the new thread of the same user that finally post correctly in bug report forum instead of moving his thread back to right place.....

and no talking about the forum need the actual moderation that just lock and move those duplicated bug report to real section . The current status seem more like allowing the forum flooded with duplicated bug report so that some bug that really a bug but less people to reporting, to have less embarrassed status if the bug is not fixed as it has an impression that the bug is not appear in the first 5 pages of the forum so appear to other player that it does not exist and the game has just a few bug only (and the forum has duplicated bug report only from those "a few bug only) The support was paid to be moderator but i don't really see improvement except censored the foul language or insulting post
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
It makes no flipping difference if it says "Bug" in the title. Just because someone labels it that, doesn't make it so. That's like saying you made a Post with the title "I am the King on England" and there by that MUST make it so that I am. Please....

A non-bug post has no reason being in this section of the forums. It takes TIME that GGG doesn't have to read through BS posts that's better spent elsewhere. It's freaking bad enough when people can't fill out bug reports the proper way nor follow the guidelines in the stickies, let alone have staff mod the forums and move shit before other staff members have to wade through this complete cluster fuck of a bug section.

AND NONE of this belongs in this part of the forum.

Go whine about this shit in feedback.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
Aragorn14 wrote:
It makes no flipping difference if it says "Bug" in the title. Just because someone labels it that, doesn't make it so. That's like saying you made a Post with the title "I am the King on England" and there by that MUST make it so that I am. Please....

A non-bug post has no reason being in this section of the forums. It takes TIME that GGG doesn't have to read through BS posts that's better spent elsewhere. It's freaking bad enough when people can't fill out bug reports the proper way nor follow the guidelines in the stickies, let alone have staff mod the forums and move shit before other staff members have to wade through this complete cluster fuck of a bug section.

AND NONE of this belongs in this part of the forum.

Go whine about this shit in feedback.

No. the content is really about bug. Some support even delete my reply that saying they are treating gameplay help as recycle bin of help/tech support forum
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
Guys... really off-topic. Please keep the bug reports forums objective.
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