Game Balance in Siege of the Atlas

clawface wrote:
Glacial Hammer feels like it got nerfed again through threshold jewel not being made implicit like other skills and also due to hydrosphere skill changes. 100% cold convert is not big enough change.

Yeah exactly. Also same story for heavy strike, which was already in a horrible spot. Now it caps out at 38% chance where before you could get it to 60% with the jewels.
rip spellslinger 2022
Blip wrote:
What about the balance of gear being shit, or trade being shit, or crafting being shit, honestly I would love a private viod league which is the complete opposite of the crap hard mode coming. Buff drops a lot and give harvest back in its pre-useless state from harvest league. I don't find poe fun anymore because everything is always way too out of reach. I would love to try different builds, but it is impossible to get the currency. I would love to try headhunter at least once, but currency or the div cards don't drop and map sustain is impossible. With all that, mage blood prices are probably like 10 times what I have on standard having played from closed beta, beyond a joke.

we literally just had a currency out of sky league, where you could farm anything in the game on ZERO investment, from HH to Bloodmage with +300 increased quantity on any map and you are here bitching on the forums... I farmed HH in a week in Tower T12 as a casual player (unfortunately it got poofed in a double corrupting attempt xD)
3.23 is the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
clawface wrote:
Glacial Hammer feels like it got nerfed again through threshold jewel not being made implicit like other skills and also due to hydrosphere skill changes. 100% cold convert is not big enough change.

I agree, the whole point I use the jewel was for the splash damage. Hopefully they add it in the patch notes.
One thing I can't understand is why people get excited or hyped on buffs or nerfs of old stuff... Doing this only show well incompetence? cause rly if u want people to try other things just make NEW skills that play diferently and more or less same power per investment.

All this constant change on mechanics so u need to re learn everything every 3 months is what made me (and I bet lots of others) drop the game or play a lil bit each league.

Its just a waste of dev resources btw having to change mechs and nerf/buff things over and over and over. GO make something new and leave what is fun/working the way it was. (sunder rip) (molten strike rip) (blade furry rip) (winter orb rip) and many others.
Last edited by IHellBoundI on Jan 24, 2022, 4:34:46 PM
bow builds are back pog
Thanks for nerfing what is fun (Spellslinger, Cospri's, CoC, TR).

Great job...
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Revert Sunder
Like it so far. Sounds reasonable.
glad i got coc eye of winter / hydrosphere and toxic rain / caustic arrow builds out the way last league. time to self cast something it looks like..
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