[3.25 READY] Versatile Combatant Impale Shield Crush - Crush the Atlas - SSF Compatible

Have been using this build in SSF up to T16 maps. Clearing maps is solid but bossing is not it's strong suit (although DPS is fine). Melee is just in a bad state sadly. Moving around is key, but with susceptibility to freeze and lightning I feel squishy, and map mods with restrictions to recovery/regeneration are a no-go and worse than a minus chance to block.

Got a question too: just got https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Dawnstrider as a drop from Exarch. Do you think it is any good for this build? It certainly makes it easier since you'd need one totem keybind less and the extra 4 seconds is nice.

Thanks for the solid write-up, it's been a while since I played this far into the league :)
KajB wrote:
Have been using this build in SSF up to T16 maps. Clearing maps is solid but bossing is not it's strong suit (although DPS is fine). Melee is just in a bad state sadly. Moving around is key, but with susceptibility to freeze and lightning I feel squishy, and map mods with restrictions to recovery/regeneration are a no-go and worse than a minus chance to block.

Got a question too: just got https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Dawnstrider as a drop from Exarch. Do you think it is any good for this build? It certainly makes it easier since you'd need one totem keybind less and the extra 4 seconds is nice.

Thanks for the solid write-up, it's been a while since I played this far into the league :)

Once you get over a ~6m threshhold or so then the bosses start to feel a lot better, but early on it can be a little painful.

A quick check on PoB says that the damage is better with both totems. I don't know how accurate it is but you're free to test around. Since boots are pretty important for resistances, though, I'd be careful with it. Just leaving Jewelry slots for handling all resistances can be a lot harder get working since this build can use a lot of different uniques (Kaom's Spirit, Arn's/Coil, Inward Eye)

What would you recommend for someone who wants to run UBERS so i can know what to work towards. Right now mapping is fine but bossing feels slow, im not really squishy but not strong either. I don't have my 3rd ascendancy or 4th yet as a heads up. Im level 80 and have a emperor's vigilance and twilight blade. I got an abyssus as well but I think i might drop it since it makes me a bit too squishy at the moment.

Forgot to mention that I was doing some other shield crash build till i noticed the notables were patched out so I'm going to try to adapt to this one. i'm running an astral plate with a +1 to active skill gems and +1 to strength gems with an amulet to +1 to gems as well.
Last edited by sumowow on May 10, 2023, 7:22:25 PM
Played this build to 100 in sc ssf with all non-ubers down (feared included), pretty solid build with decent defenses/playstyle. I imagine the damage will potentially be an issue if crucible doesn't go core for bossing/juiced maps, crucible nodes added a lot of extra firepower to the build.

All in all a pretty good, generic melee build. 8/10
Sounds like a really solid SSF build, noted as my next league starter for Trade League too, thanks for the build :)
Loving the Build and got to red maps even with the 4L Setup, just being really unlucky with 6 linking my astral plate. Would be great to get some feedback to improve my current state and maybe some guidance on what to focus on besides getting a 6 linked chest, I pretty much used the PoB link "focus" list for the gear improvement prio. No I wont change to Trade League, thanks.

Big up for the build, first time I got so far in the game with a melee build especially in ssf.
Loving the Build and got to red maps even with the 4L Setup, just being really unlucky with 6 linking my astral plate. Would be great to get some feedback to improve my current state and maybe some guidance on what to focus on besides getting a 6 linked chest, I pretty much used the PoB link "focus" list for the gear improvement prio. No I wont change to Trade League, thanks.

Big up for the build, first time I got so far in the game with a melee build especially in ssf.

Hey! Took a quick glance at your build, here's a few recommendations I have:

- 5 Linking your chestpiece should be really easy to do. all you need is ~150 fusings to guarantee it (pick up 6 socket bodies/weapons to vendor for jewellers, then vendor the jewellers for fusings from Lani). A 6 link is much more important than it being an astral, so you can farm for div cards such as 'The Chains That Bind', or you can run Vaal side areas to try and get a corrupted 6 link. Vaal side areas can be opened by putting in a single sacrifice fragment into the map device. You can also do something like running Heist to get a Tabula Rasa.

Note about the body: It's about the same if we use the body armor hp passive point vs a high tier base life body armor, so don't worry too much about having life on the chest.

- I'd strongly recommend running Blood Rage. It's a green gem that gives attack speed, leech, and frenzy charges on kill. It makes mapping much smoother and easily sockets into your weapon.

- Getting panopticon anoint is really important now that you're in red maps. What I do to get blight oils is to use Kirac's map device to run blighted maps. Usually it only takes me 4-5 blighted maps to get everything, and I run Executioner for the time being until I get that since its extremely cheap.

- Mana leech on a jewel can knock off your mana flask, and you should only generally need 1 life flask. Using harvest, you can reroll for physical on a viridian or cobalt jewel to get one in a handful of tries.

- I can't see what you're specializing in on your atlas tree, but I'd recommend Essence or Harvest (or both) for the sake of SSF, as it makes getting half-decent gear significantly easier.
Vennto wrote:
Sounds like a really solid SSF build, noted as my next league starter for Trade League too, thanks for the build :)

I'd strongly recommend to stay on steel skills until you get a decent shield if you're not willing to buy a shield early. Running through white maps to kill essence packs is pretty quick to get a few dreads and make a half decent shield to pivot over once you get a Colossal Tower Shield.
Was wondering, why do you have Call of Steel Nodes even for endgame trees? I don't see it under skills
how man running thsi build and im w/o the mana res gear trying to run all the aura's and i cant. I have blood and sand at 15% and flesh and stone at 12.82. I followed the skill tree uber budget 90 and im not sure how to get them to the 5% res, with lifetap
Last edited by Dooftard on Nov 25, 2023, 2:56:13 AM

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