2021 Mystery Box Research - The Truth Behind $4,386 Worth of Boxes

Aim_Deep wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:
Loot boxes? Sure they're a trap, if you think you can easily get full sets of armours without overinvesting. If you recognize that you will probably have to buy a TON to get everything you want, and end up with a lot of stuff you don't want, then you're far less likely to fall into such a trap.

Just buy a few boxes, be glad to get some cheap MTX, and stop buying as soon as you start to become dissatisfied with what you're getting. ='[.]'=


I like free MTX. Wish they still did stuff like wings like in breach and dual sets - one for HC one for SC like olden days. Free is best MTX!!

Demon wings and saquine red armors is just tits.

Not gonna lie. I buy packs for points for tabs. MTX is just "free" a bonus. No fucking way I'm buying boxes for mtx. I have 30 suits of armor and only play one guy at a time. But I use tabs. All of them. All the time.

Tabs is their bread and butter from me ( I'm sure most ppls). MTX is optional.

Clearly, my comment was not directed at you or those with your purchasing habits. =9[.]9=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Morkonan wrote:

Even so, GGG's public statement regarding the distribution of possible prizes is a legally binding statement even in New Zealand. Having Courts and a civilized legal system, that means there's a reason for New Zealand to also have Jails and Prisons and well as a robust Civil Court system with, one assumes, support for meaningful Civil actions, like debilitating financial settlements that could result in GGG's doors getting locked and someone auctioning off all their plastic plants decorating their reception area...

Companies that would purposefully lie about something like that in a public statement do not last very long - EVERYONE loves free money awarded by civil actions.

Companies/Corporations lie all the time, even in front of congress. MS lied, Google, Facebook etc all lied, & they are all getting away with it. Unless NZ jurdical system is far better & less corrupted than other nations like US, then I say companies lies to NZ courts too.

How many executives, CEO have been jail for lying? AT most they are fined.
KiadawP wrote:
Companies/Corporations lie all the time, even in front of congress. MS lied, Google, Facebook etc all lied, & they are all getting away with it. Unless NZ jurdical system is far better & less corrupted than other nations like US, then I say companies lies to NZ courts too.

How many executives, CEO have been jail for lying? AT most they are fined.

They get fined all the time, too. And, not tiny little fines. :) GGG can't afford "Apple" or "Micro$oft" level fines, but... Tencent can. What if New Zealand decided it needed an aircraft carrier? There ya go...

The issue is, or can be, pretty high-profile. "Loot Boxes" aren't as hot a topic as they were when GGG decided to jump on board that money-making train. But, that could change rapidly with headlines announcing that an Online Marketplace-Funded Developer posted false information regarding the distribution of Loot Box awards. And, what about Class Action suits? I don't know how NZ works, but if the numbers were false you could make a case for everyone who ever bought one getting the money back. Fines are dependent on NZ and I seriously doubt they'd want to fine GGG into oblivion, given they're trying to grow their software developer market. But, considering GGG is one of the higher profile game developers in NZ (Sharing a spot with Rocketwerkz and maybe another/some?) I imagine NZ would want to be seen acting on such a thing pretty quickly. I also doubt they'd do much unless the outcry was big enough. (GGG's new overlords may decide to weigh-in with extreme prejudice..)

I don't trust anyone. But, I do have some trust in people's motivation to not have to pay fines, go to jail, or be threatened with being deported to Australia...

The "Day of Reckoning" in online in-game transactions, loot boxes, misrepresentations, outright "gambling," privacy issues, and getting minors to click "Buy" online is coming, I hope. "Soon..." :/ Until then, no Loot Box is going to get my money and it's pretty much starting to look like Loot Box purveyors are no longer going to get it, either.

Justice is only a just as the people enforcing it.

2020 has made me learn, justice cannot be trusted, & laws are not applied equally.

If you found someone's password & access someone's email to look for juicy stuff, you can go to jail.

But google facebook spy on your email/data, giving your personal information to governments, advertisers, it's just ToA, its their platform. Thats like saying you can videotape someone bathing in your sport stuido becuase you are the owner. WHat a sick world

If someone evades tax, he will go to jail, but if you are a politician, you can openly cheat, enrich yourself with your position. If someone expose, tehy will be censored, as its "not verified" without providing proof.

It's a sick world, & evil is winning. China has education camps, where men are impression, their women were assaulted. Where are the outrage? Where are the #METOO.

That's the sad thing

I am not saying GGG actually cheats I am just saying it's not realm of probability, & the world events have made me never trust authority.

Its not that the people in power are bad. After all, they are just like us. People as a whole are bad.
Why Do I NEVER Get GLOVES CHRIS!!!!!>?!>!>?!>!>!>!

Good Info though TY for Posting

As a player who has Without question purchased well over 2000$ worth of boxes... don't do it unless you care more about "Supporting GGG" than the cosmetic outcome.
Delirium ended...
But the Voices never did.
Last edited by Fauxxx_NL on Mar 27, 2021, 12:41:46 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
Its not that the people in power are bad. After all, they are just like us. People as a whole are bad.

Power corrupts. That is the the main reason.


This is a pretty bad take. Most people are not as eager as you to trust companies blindly.

Well then, how about trusting them following European legislative that FORCED any and all games featuring lootboxes and similar "surprise mechanics" to prominently display the rates, either ingame or by providing an external source that fully states expected droprates?

Thanks, EA! You made gaming in Europe a better place!
kiadaw wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
Its not that the people in power are bad. After all, they are just like us. People as a whole are bad.

Power corrupts. That is the the main reason.

Thats the thing - if power corrupts us so easily are we truly good to begin with?
There is selection bias, remember. If it's advantageous to have X trait to do Y activity, people successful at Y will have a higher chance of having trait X.

Business people are advantaged by being greedy fucks who hate humanity. So you'll see a higher percentage of greedy fucks in that group than elsewhere.

(it's also hilariously non-sequitor to hear people say that humans are inherently bad and can't handle power... which is why we should give all the power to a small subset of the population. You'd think that if people are really that bad at handling things then it'd be optimal to minimize everyone's power, ESPECIALLY avoiding outliers that have tons of power, since it enables huge scale bad behavior instead of small scale)
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Last edited by kaijyuu2 on Apr 9, 2021, 4:09:53 PM

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