Our Reasoning Behind the 3.13 Launch Delay

lets roll boys.

Heist is the best league I ever played and I have to say thank you for that.

I am ok with this changes. GG and GL!
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Harvest league was so great, I played way too much. Like seriously too much. Burned out. I'm skipping this and probably next league. Keep up the good work.
By the way, I don't care about Cyperpunk, not my type of game.
Hi all

As a noob(5 months) player from a distant country(14000km or 220ms from the nearest server) i feel i need to comment on this. After a 2 year break from gaming due to being in sales I have to say this makes sense on a few levels. I honestly feel that GGG is doing best not only for themselves but for us as the player base as well. i have played everything from WOW to Guild wars 2. I played Diablo, Ultima and more. And in all these games I haven't found the amount of freedom in character creation and gearing that i have found in POE.

Thank you GGG, for making a free game that has new content every 3 months. I will continue to support you where I can.

I only have 1 request. Please put a server in South Africa. Fighting Sirus with 220 latency sucks unless you build is overpowered.

A big thanks to Chris and the team for a GREAT game.

It was your story, now hear out mine, and many many ppl in the same boat as me,
those who are not students/unemployed:
On December as you said, ppl have time and vacation, one part with family, other part for hobbies, games, etc.
While we have some free time, scheduled vacation in December, when the new year comes in January ppl usually dont have vacation or time to play the game they can in December around Christmas. Maybe we are minority here and streamers are the main focus who leave the game if they miss the 1st week and cant decide between a SINGLE PLAYER and a multiplayer game. I can accept it but i'm overly sad that after a bad league as heist was i wont have time to enjoy the next league.
Thank you Chris <3
I always loved your honesty, we will wait don't worry, the game is designed to be played forever anyway :D <3
yay.. dropped from Farmvile league on act 2, didnt even create character for Payday league.

Is your idea guy out of ideas? Bring back Dominus! the most badass and underused character in roster. Make league around him, fight him, then fight with him.

And add option to disable MTX, i cant stand it!!! Login hoping for a grim and brutal world only to be met with rainbow flying cats and sparkly butterfly wings from level 2.

Every next league is further away from game's spirit.

t. mad
Greytian wrote:
DixuMixu wrote:
more damage control...

was the f-bomb profanity necessary in an offical post, though?

all in all this whole fiasco stinks of chris not having trust or confidence in this game... you just keep advertising cyberfunk as if you want poe players to go play that game instead

hasn't bought a single supporter pack, why am I not surprised

imagine if there was other form of monetary support than just cosmetic packs
ignorant comment from you
I would like to talk to the store manager please
- Best Signature Ever -
I appreciate the straight-forward communication here. The delay is perfectly understandable. I'll most likely be playing Cyberpunk when it comes out as well, and I'm glad I won't have to choose between that and a new PoE season!

I hope the extra time means that the next season will have a smooth launch and you all get some time to relax before then.

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