New and Changed Warcries in Path of Exile: Harvest

Ild_Heim wrote:
All f this seems interesting, the only thing bothering me is that exepet for few one pretty much all of this doesnt show antyhing, when use warcry we dont see any effect on the character, any buff, any attack effect, we dont see anything, thats not really appealing !

while i also don't see a visual effect on the character, the remaining exerted attacks ARE displayed on the warcry icon of the HUD hotkeys.

i do agree though, that visual "exerted charges" around your character might be an additional option, though one is prbly hardly able to see that in real endgame-map-cleaning-visual-bombardments.
thep10xer wrote:
Rekill wrote:
VKpD wrote:
RIP any builds not in the SW corner that wanted to use instant warcries.


you can't anoint keystones.

Scion, problem solved. Or, The Battle Cry keystone is also only 7 points away from the normal tech tree, and you can pick up a Jewel slot on the way.
Last edited by Nulledout on Jun 8, 2020, 9:09:46 AM
This all sounds good, but again, sound???
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
I'll definately try them as my second character in the league, pog!
Liokar wrote:
OlafGrossbaf wrote:
In the old system, five small monsters would provide five times the Warcry benefit compared to a single unique boss. This felt wrong.

This also applies to flask charges imo (all of them, not only life flasks).

The new system now counts magic, rare and unique enemies proportionate to their power so that your Warcry scales more effectively with the content you're facing

>>> Replace "Warcry" with "Flask charges" and consider me a happy exile :-)

i quote the wiki here:

"Used flask charges can be refilled in several ways:

by killing enemies; a normal monster grants 1 charge, a magic monster grants 3.5 charges, a rare monster grants 6 charges, and a unique monster grants 11 charges;[1]"

:p I repent for my wikignorance ;-) Anyway if I'm not wrong it's doing it on kill, making it irrelevant for uniques like let's say Sirus for instance, but then it's an other debate ;-)
sounds good and all but wtf has this anything to do with 2hand buffs when 1hand gets the same out of these warcry buffs... sometimes i really get the feeling that most of GGG's team doesn't play their own game anymore the problem with 2handers is that 1handers is just better be it leech,impale,smoothness etc even if you tripple 2h dmg people still lean towards 1h because ya as mentioned leech,impale and zoom zoom

OlafGrossbaf wrote:
Liokar wrote:

i quote the wiki here:

"Used flask charges can be refilled in several ways:

by killing enemies; a normal monster grants 1 charge, a magic monster grants 3.5 charges, a rare monster grants 6 charges, and a unique monster grants 11 charges;[1]"

:p I repent for my wikignorance ;-) Anyway if I'm not wrong it's doing it on kill, making it irrelevant for uniques like let's say Sirus for instance, but then it's an other debate ;-)

it does also reset/gain charges on phase completion, but i agree, for TRUE endgame fights and if you lack DPS, it's almost completely irrelevant.
me smash :)
Looking at the footage it seems that they have at least doubled the cooldown on warcries (it appears to be about 8 seconds in the video and those 8 seconds are likely traited, so even more without traits). That will likely make warcries useless for normal mapping - it would be like using lightning spire trap as a mapping skill. Effectively, because of the cooldown you will always want to save them up for the next rare or unique mob - and most of the new warcry skills don't even seem to be good for bossing.
Last edited by Tissitra on Jun 8, 2020, 9:53:36 AM

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