Lightning Arrow

Lucim wrote:
* It's still unclear to me how damage for lightning arrow is converted. If I do 50-100 physical damage, 2-200 lightning damage (from Wrath aura + an equipped ring) and 40-50 fire damage (Anger aura).

* From what I've read I would do (25-50)converted lightning damage + 2-200 lightning damage + 40-50 fire damage. Damage before reduction: 67-300. Final damage (67-300)x0.7 = 47-210 (70% damage effectiveness). All of which would be elemental.
You removed the remaining physical damage. Converting 50% of physical damage to lightning means 50% of that physical damage becomes lightning damage. You still have the other 50%. So you're missing 25-50 physical (which is not elemental).

Lucim wrote:
* Once my arrow lands, from what I understand, this same damage of 47-210 (using the example above) is applied to 3 random nearby enemies. All of which would be elemental. Is this correct?
No, but only because the previous result was incorrect. You're correct in as much as the damage is the same for these targets as the initial one.

Lucim wrote:
* What is the AoE radius?
16 Base, just like cold snap.

Lucim wrote:
* I've read the range of the extra damage jumping to random targets is affected by 'area of effect' passive skill nodes and the 'increased area of effect' support gem.

* If I had increased area damage such as from 'area damage' passive skill nodes and the 'concentrated effect' support gem, would the damage of the 3 lightning bounces be increased?
No. Lightning arrow deals non-area damage (it's not dealing damage to everything in an area), but the range is affected by area of effect increases. This may well change in future.

Lucim wrote:
* Point blank: The jumps effectively do 1.5x damage because the radius of the jump is so small. Is this correct?
No. Why would they be measuring from the arrow to the target. Point Blank affects projectile damage based on how far the enemy is from you. Lightning arrow is no different.

Lucim wrote:
* If I combine lightning arrow with chains/fork/pierce, are the subsequent jumps/piercing arrows increased in damage by point blank by 1.5x? (general projectile question)
Pierce has no interaction with Point Blank. damage is still scaled based on how far the target is from you. There is currently a bug where chaining/forking 'resets' the origin, so they scaled based on distance from where they chained/forked. This bug will be fixed in future.

Lucim wrote:
* If I have 100% chance to pierce with lightning arrow, and I pierce a frost wall, would all my damage be increased by 1.5x? (general projectile question)
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Mar 14, 2013, 1:35:54 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
Damage multipliers always apply after Conversion.
Converted Damage benefits from the same modifiers as the source would, plus whatever the new Damage type would. Lightning Damage from LA's Conversion will also benefit from Physical Damage modifiers, because it is Converted from Physical (to Lightning).

EDIT: wait no, that's not what Doomfletch does.
No, that is what DoomFletch does, you were right the first time. At the point of damage calculation, Doomfletch picks a random element, and adds "Add X% of physical damage as <chosen element>" as a stat on the attack during the calculation of damage.
Rage09 wrote:
Hye, I have not seen this question asked yet and its kinda hard to figure out just from looking at the animation.
I want to know if there is a travel time from the initial hit of the arrow to the lightning hitting another mob. From the little I've been able to watch there is a tiny deley, it may just be my ping though.

This is for use in a CoC build, as long as there is a delay between hits it may be a viable option.
No, the hits are simultanious.
Castablanca wrote:
Lightning Arrow - is there a limit / cap to projectile speed?
Yes - it's limited to not go below 99% reduced, so projectiles do always still move.
There is no upper cap.
Castablanca wrote:
So, does this mean that adding Faster Projectiles support to Lightning Arrow extends the arrow's travel distance and range?
No. It increases their speed.
Castablanca wrote:
On other projectile-based attacks (e.g. freezing pulse, fireball, ethereal knives), the speed of the projectile increases the distance traveled.
This is false.

Out of all the projectiles in the game, there is a small set of projectile skills that have the projectiles last for a fixed time.
These skills are:
  • Freezing Pulse
  • Ethereal Knives
  • Ball Lightning
  • Frost Blades
  • Incinerate
  • Flame Totem

Note that Fireball (and Lightning Arrow) is not on this list. Because these specific projectiles have a fixed time that the projectile can exist, making them faster means they'll get further in that time, effectively extending the range they can hit things at.

This is not basic projectile behaviour, and no other projectile skill works like that. It is a side effect of the special behaviour (fixed time) of those skills.
Castablanca wrote:
So, in conclusion, Faster Projectiles does NOT extend the range of any bow/arrow skills, including Lightning Arrow?
Correct. Both because speed and distance are different things, and because those skills, like all projectiles that don't have special behaviour overriding the default, already travel the maximum possible distance.

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