Announcing three Upcoming Announcements

just wanted to say how happy I am you guys are giving a timeline. So many devs give us nothing and here you guys are giving us advance notice of everything up to december. great job GGG.
December 8th: 3.5.0 Expansion Launch (this is December 7th in US/EU)

I love you guys, but you lined the release up with the release of Super Smash Bros. Guess I'll see you guys two weeks into the league.
Hope the next league is something more build friendly than Delve was! Especially for us squishy types...
no MOBILE please
December 8th: 3.5.0 Expansion Launch (this is December 7th in US/EU)

Actually pretty neat that its the same date as Super Smash, so after 1-2 Weeks the prices are gonna be lower, except that if its better then Smash, and not something like this boring sulphite farming.

Anyways, can't wait to get into the new season, keep up the good work guys!
Sweet. :D
Delve has been a total blast ... best league/expansion thus far (>= beyond, breach, etc).

Three things I fear:
1) No one at GGG will read this or care (but I need to write it anyhow)

2) When Delve goes core, it will be at the typical reduced frequency (i.e. sulphite will be even more rare and delves will be few an far between).

PLEASE don't do this. I play every single day for hours, but am not a pro player and it has taken me all damn league to get below 300. Not because of my character (he's great), but the sulphite cost is TOO high, and having to stop to play a dozen maps to then keep going is really frustrating. Please don't nerf it from where it is. Pay attention to non-streamers. Look at your stats and remove the outliers (i.e. the 1% that can break your game).

3) Every league/expansion from now on will have unobtainable bosses.

STOP doing this! I ... hate ... how Abyss, Bestiary, and now Delve make the boss progression so damn random that after playing for MONTHS my friend and I never see the second and third boss in Delve one time, let alone trying achievements? Seriously, why spend time on content then make it so players never get to see it? Please go back to breach splinter progression. Way more enjoyable. Still RNG, but has a threshold. Make the uniques random drops (not guaranteed like the allusive Abyss Liches). I don't care. I want to challenge my build vs the boss. I was to SEE the bosses.

You did a community poll once to fix Bestiary. Best thing I've ever seen from a gaming company. Please poll people on this mechanic.
do you guys ever sleep?

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