3.4.1 Patch Notes

Uchimata2 wrote:
My wife left me.

Sorry fixing that didn't make it in this patch thats in next.
Scourge Arrow quality when?
A company from overseas just bought out my division. I will find out in the next few days if I still have a job.
too little too late for me. could not get myself to keep playing this league after my first couple hours of mapping/delving.
Honestly PoE dev's are the best. There are still bugs and stuff BUT this caring for the community, the fast response with patches, information and implementing community suggested solutions THIS IS HUGE.
This is a big part at why I still love to play and support PoE whenever I can.

Thx GGG for those efforts !
So no fix to vaal outposts not spawning the stairs down?
So what about the Vaal Outposts that are not getting an entrance? Is there an update? I have some of them on my map and don´t want to do them, since i am running the risk of not getting any loot from them.
Shesocold wrote:
Love most of the changes but is there any news on the stairs not opening for ruins in Delve sometimes?


And ...

Nothing about that Belyfry bug?
Please fix heavy strike!!!
Shesocold wrote:
Love most of the changes but is there any news on the stairs not opening for ruins in Delve sometimes?

Yes, this just happened to me again. That makes 4 of them so far. Pretty bummed this isn't fixed in this patch.
POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums.
Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all."

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