LOL Marriage.

Morkonan wrote:
Boem wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Government bias favoring married couples is unethical.
How is it unethical if it's prime objective is to increase coherent social fabric so it can survive as a system?

It's trying to promote it's own survival, nothing unethical in that.
^---- This.

The foundation for human cultural and social systems, including "government" is the preservation of "the family unit." That's what we base our systems on. The definition for "family unit" may change, but the focus of our societies does not - They're all constructed to promote and nurture that unit. It is, in essence, the smallest divisible unit when it comes down to how our systems are constructed.

Some systems have ignored that. And, when they do, they don't last very long. It seems that the most stable method for any human society must act to sustain and promote the "family unit."

Note: It doesn't matter what the composition of that unit is, just so long as it is, itself, focused on maintaining cohesion, mutual support, the possibility of raising children (adoption included) and contributing to a larger group, like extended family.
I didn't say "Government bias favoring guardians of minor children is unethical." Childless married couples are not the nuclear family you're referring to, and couples that are raising children together but aren't married arguably shouldn't feel pressure to marry just to receive preferential treatment.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
I get what you are saying but how is the government to know you are a couple if you dont fill out the paperwork. which is more or less what marriage is just officially filing as a long term couple
I dont see any any key!
My current spouse is awesome, my first...not so much.
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