Acuity alrdy 60 ex+

tidbit wrote:
astraph wrote:
I am willing to bet my own acuities, my mirrored dagger and everything else i have that after 3.1 acuity WILL NOT give instant leech, IF they go forward with the removal of istant leech on Vaal Pact. The real quetion is we will have legacies or not. So far every change to vaal pact affected acuities as well without leaving legacies behind.

Removal of instant leech is a huge balance change and it will not stop on Vaal Pact, there is absolutely no way. I do think that bloodseekers will still keep it though, since the DPS on the is capped.

I'll take you up on that bet. No takesies-backsies. No rule changes. you didn't give a counter-bet in case you were wrong.

- So if you're right I get all your items (or to be generous, just what you mentioned here, but ideally all if you're a man of your word).
- If you're wrong, you keep all your stuff.

1) GGG Does not allow to bet ingame items. I know because we jokingly asked about it on off topic. I think on the Paquiao vs Mayweather thred. Could be wrong. Do not remember

2) I said "WILLING to bet". Did not bet :D. But seriously, if this was allowed, i would bet ALL my items against even ONE of your best items, as i worded it -> "If they go forward with the change to Vaal Pact NOT giving instant leech, I BET that Acuity will NOT give instant leech as well." BUT there is a slight chance (very slim) that we might actually have Legacy Acuities that give Instant Leech. But there is NO WAY that the new ones will.
I hope Acuity stays and be able to provide instant leech even after VP upgrade. I would even go that far to give it back the possibility to leech ES instantly with Ghost Reaver.
Yes, price would be on temp league even higher, but i don't see that as a problem due to the fact how hard is to get them (low chance at damn difficult boss)

I am up for adding more Op Op uniques of HeadHunter value into the game and making the availability of those very scarce. It gives motivation to those who wants to farm these items, and it gives the motivation to farmers who want these items to get enough currency to get them.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.

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